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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Ryzen 7 5800x crash / instability !!fixed!!

Hey y'all,

This post is written from a previously sad/frustrated 5800x owner's perspective. The reason I'm posting this is because I have seen a lot of people in similar situations with their AMD Ryzen 5000 setup and I would like to share my knowledge so other people can benefit.

Long story short: I have been able to solve all of my issues by means of RMA, but the story is more nuanced.

First of, I have been experiencing problems with my pc for over a year now. Since the event viewer wasn't really helping me, it was really hard to pinpoint the culprit.

The issues I was facing were random crashes during gaming and crashing right after shutting down gaming / benchmarking. I never experienced these issues when performing non-intensive CPU tasks.

These crashes didn't leave any traces in the form of a dumpfile or WHEA event. Or when they did, it usually showed me a WHEA eventID 8 or 46.

For clarity: I saw a lot of people experiencing instability during idling time. I never experienced this issue, so I think this has another root cause.

My setup:

  • Gigabyte B550M AORUS PRO-P
  • Kingston HyperX Fury RGB 32GB (2x16) 3600MHz DDR4
  • Cooler Master Hyper 212 Black Edition
  • Gigabyte NVMe SSD 1TB
  • Seasonic Core Gold GM 650W - Modular 80 Plus Gold
  • Non-LHR Zotac Gaming RTX 3070 Twin Edge OC White
  • AMD Ryzen 7 5800X Boxed

Since I didn't have clear WHEA events, I have tested and checked every component in the system. And after a lot of messing around I figured it had to be the processor. 

Some of the things I tried:

  • extensive memory checking --> always resulting in no issues found
  • reseating memory modules, GPU and CPU cooler --> all without an effect
  • installing latest firmware for GPU and latest BIOS updates plus all chipset drivers and GPU drivers --> no effect
  • installing Windows 11 Pro --> no effect
  • turning on Resizable BAR in BIOS --> no effect
  • using different XMP profiles for memory --> no effect
  • replacing motherboard --> no effect

I did some stress testing of memory, GPU (furmark,AIDA64) and CPU (AIDA64,CPU-Z,Cinebench20/23) a year ago and experienced no issues. What I found out at the time was that my GPU was getting really hot and that the fans on the card weren't actually ramping up under load. After fixing this I thought my problems were solved. But.......

A little while ago the random reboots returned and were getting more frequent, which lead me to intensify my troubleshooting 🙂 I decided this time I wasn't going to stop until the problem was solved. 

I tried different methods of stress testing the different hardware in my system and started to notice that whenever I played more CPU intensive games, my crashes were getting more frequent (the games being Elding Ring and especially Instruments of Destruction). This lead me to believe my problem was CPU related, so I focused my troubleshooting there. That is how I eventually ended up on this forum.

Since then, I never played around with the CPU settings in my BIOS too much since I didn't really have any experience or knowledge. I read up on PBO, CPB and all other techniques used by the motherboard manufacturer. 

After lots of trial and error I found out that my CPU problem was caused by getting too low of a voltage when it is clocking down, resulting in a system crash. I noticed that when I used the following settings, I had a stabile system, with relatively low temps and a good score on C23 (multicore 15124, singlecore 1576):

Setting nameValueUnit
X.M.PProfile 2 
Curve optimizer0, -5, 0 ,-10, -10, 0, -10, -103-5 mV 
CPU VCore+0.047V


I didn't have to undervolt/overclock, I just did this to tune the CPU. The main setting making my system more reliable was the CPU VCore setting. This seemed to solve my stability problem.

Another setting I could enable to stabilize my system, was to disable CPB (and use default BIOS settings). But since this severly limits my clocks (it maxes to 3800Mhz) I chose this was not a viable option.

I believe you shouldn't have to tinker this much to make a system stable, so I decided to RMA my CPU. It should work without issues out of the box right?

For me this was a good choice, I can now undervolt/overclock my system without random reboots. 

Hope this story helps with whatever problem you're trying to fix! 

6 Replies
Volunteer Moderator

Glad you got it fixed.

Journeyman III

Hi! I have this very same processor and an AsRock b550 Taichi Razer Edition Motherboard. I'm fairly certain i've got MOST of these settings correct, since i've had the same issues with crashing, but I'm not very tech literate and i cannot find something in my bios that definitely says Vcore Settings or anything and i want to adjust the voltage. Could anyone please tell me what i'm supposed to be looking for in my bios to change? I need some help. thanks!

Journeyman III

im having random reboots on a brand new pc i have the b450m pro vdh max ,ryzen 7 5800x,16g 3600 ram,3060ti,750 power   randomly restarts when trying to play games im not the greatest with pcs does what your saying to do take alot of knowledge with pcs?


Could you be more specific? What would your first action be?

Adept I

Glad you were able to fix it!

I've had the idle reboot issue with two different Ryzens now, a 1700X and a 5600G. It was fine if I was doing something but as soon as I walked away from the PC it would reboot a couple minutes later. It is very hard to diagnose and resolve, and the idea that it could be due to chip flaws is really disappointing. I've read accounts  of this happening across different Ryzen chips and motherboards, so it's not mobo specific. However, I've been able to largely get my systems stable again by doing a Windows refresh. It's a bit of a hassle because you have to reinstall apps and redo browser settings and things like that, but so worth it for a stable PC.

I had also tried tinkering with BIOS options and power settings, but nothing really worked well. The fact that a Windows reset does it tells me there's something off with the drivers. On my new PC the reboots started happening just after I did a bunch of AMD driver updates, so I will refrain from doing that and see if the system holds. Again, really happy for you, and I hope my post helps someone else.

Journeyman III

Im getting the crash also. I've seen a lot of people saying they have RAM specs that are the same as mine 3600Mhz but I'm running 64GB. I was scrolling through Google looking for more answers to the issue and read a post saying Ryzen 7 5800x is unstable with RAM Speeds of 3600Mhz. I'm also on a B550 board and running a RTX3060. I will still try your specs but let me know what your RAM is running at and see if the dots line up.