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PC Processors

Adept I

Ryzen 5900x crashing, BSODs

System: MSI x470 gaming plus max, RAM 2 x 8gb DDR4, RTX 3070, 1 TB ssd. Used to own 3700x ryzen AMD cpu, working perfectly. Then updated BIOS, changed to 5900x, was working great for about a week, now I get BSOD during windows every 10 - 20 minutes no matter the task, pc restarts, BSOD right after bios, so there is no specific time that I have the problem, but its always there. Tried XMP off, tried PBO disabled, different ram etc.... Tried 2600x cpu from a friend and was working perfectly. I already send AMD email about it and waiting for response, I guess is a CPU fault right?

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