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PC Processors

Adept I

Ryzen 5 5600G performs same as Core i7 2nd gen

Just 7 days ago I bought Ryzen 5 5600G and using it with Asus A520M Motherboard, Asus Nvidia GTX1080 and Corsair 16GB 3200 DDR4 RAM.

Sadly, I am not impressed at all!!! The performance is extremely poor. It is exactly same as my old Intel Core i7 2600 did !! 
I used my Core i7 with same GPU and 16GB DDR3 RAM, yet it gave me same performance as AMD Ryzen 5 5600G.

Too bad AMD! You are scamming people. I was doubtful about buying AMD CPU, but now I am never buying anything AMD  again.

26 Replies

Could you give us any evidence in which game, software or usecase this happened or is this just a rant?


Why would I rant about my new system which I bought with my own money unless I'm really disappointed with performance? LMAO 

I paired Ryzen 5600G with exactly same SSD, GPU, RAM size still 16GB same. yet the windows loading time is same as Core i7 2600 which is a 10 years old CPU. 

I played Red Dead Redemption 2 keeping the settings same, yet its performing same. no FPS increase. CPU is workload also same as Core i7 2600,
Played other games like GTA5, PUBG, Black Desert Online and more. Exactly same performance


Well it doesn't matter where the money and the products come from when someone wants to just vent and rant 😉

Windows can't load faster if it's on the same old SSD, that should be logical for you. For the games, they are nothing fancy new. But come on you only changed the CPU and not the GPU, the 5600G (which is a bad choice btw if you don't want to use the igpu) sits there and waits for stuff to do.

Show us your usage while gaming from CPU and GPU and you are probably going to realize that the problem is that you have built the same machine gpu power wise. How can you imagine to extract more fps when all is the same except the cpu?

For example, your mentioned games are probably or in the gpu limit, and you did not check that beforehand since ur old i7 was a good choice. Whoever told you to do that switch just have no clue to value the parts properly.

Btw the latest BDO update is kinda duped, it is wonky for many gamers. I also would suggest doing a fresh windows install, if that not happened. 😉

Adept II

sorry to hear that you are not seeing expected results.

Since days of win10, MS has deployed "Fast startup".  When win is shutdown, an image is saved to hdd and on next power-on that image is restored to dram.  This scheme makes processor non-critical player in boot.  Limiting factor is the read speed of SSD.  All other components i7-2600/5600G/DDR are faster than SSD speed. 

Windows boot time is not a good measure of performance in case where CPU is upgraded. use popular benchmark tools to distinguish performance. 

As to your observation of FPS in games, more data is required. Do you see GFX 99% utilized, if YES then CPU is NOT to be blamed. problem lies elsewhere. 

And finally, you need to evaluate expectation are achievable with your choice of components and not blame others without data.


I did not say CPU not performing at all, I am saying from the beginning that Ryzen 5600G is performing same as Core i7 2600 in terms of FPS delivery in many games I play. 
Forget about FPS, I am having much more severe problem with this new PC of mine. It is having input lag now when playing any game. Such as keyboard/Mouse lag-stutter. 

Adept II

FPS is function of GFX card. you should investigate whether GTX1080 is working optimal. 

I upgraded from i7-2600K >> R7-7700x. I am happy with performance.  Default setting work out of box however there were initial stability problems with OC which I was able to resolve step by step.

You can start by disabling all CPU/MEM PBO/OC and then enable optimization gradually.  


Adept III

5600g is not a great chip, its not the same as a 5600x.....sadly.  your 1080 is also aged


I would have gone with the 5600X not the 5600G, much better CPU and not much more cost. I would have also bit the bullet and changed that aging GPU, 6000 series cards have come down loads in price.

You saying that AMD is scamming people is a bit far fetched when its down to the component mix you have.As suggested by another on this thread, id do a fresh install and see what happens.

X570 Aorus Elite / Ryzen 9 5900X / Sapphire Nitro+ RX6900 XT SE / 64GB Quad Kit Kingston Fury Black 3600MHZ CL16 / RM1000 X PSU

Adept I

I used Intel Core i7 2600 (which also has built in GPU) for 10 years, changed many accessories within these period. Never had any issue. 

I chose G series because I needed GPU fail safe in case my external dies. 

I purchased AMD cpu just 7 days ago, my GTX1080 was working fine. Not even a thermal problem. I am sure my GPU is fine cause I double/tripple checked it.

Its the AMD CPU which is not fast enough from my 10 years old Intel CPU. I should have bought a Intel CPU instead, wont make the same mistake again. 

Also yeah I solved the Input lag all by myself, Thanks for constant bragging and patronizing like a child instead of giving me a proper solution for my problem. This means AMD community is full of immature people who does not understand anything about technology. And yeah I won't tell you the solution. Good bye  and opting out 


Wonder if ram is in correct slots, or only 1 stick so running in single channel mode?


My PC- Ryzen 5 5600x, B550 aorus pro ac, Hyper 212 black, 2 x 16gb F4-3600c16dgtzn kit, NM790 2TB, Nitro+RX6900XT, RM850, Win.10 Pro., LC27G55T.

It's just a rant^^dont mind trying really to help because he does not seek help in any form.


Just to give some numbers he can't, because he is a troll form St. Petersburg or an Intel PR dude 🙂


again he shares a youtube video which doesn't go with my realistic situation LMAO. All you do is pandering dude. or should I say you are the marketing dude for AMD. 

Go away from my thread if you don't have academic expertise on Computer science and engineering 


saw your reply in my mail, it seemed sensible so I came back. 

Yes I bought a Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR4 3200, kept one slot empty for future use. 
I knew it wouldn't use dual channel mode but since my old i7 2600 with 61 board system ran with 1 stick 8GB DDR3.  I wanted to compare the performance. 

It supposed to run better without any audio crackling during gaming but no, it runs almost same as my old system in terms of FPS draw and the audio crackling is a new addition which didnt exist in my old system. I updated the chipset driver directly from the AMD site which resolved my Keyboard input lag (nobody here suggested me that btw, I solved it myself) but not the annoying audio crackling. 

I use Creative sound blaster x-fi surround 5.1 pro as my sound card, I know my sound card has no problem since it had no issue in my old 61 system. Also my OS is same, Windows 10 pro 64bit. 



I recall seeing one review for the cpu, single vs dual channel had a big perf. drop.

I don't use a sound card, can't help with that.

And if you just swapped in the ssd from intel machine there are probably many intel files, reg entries that may cause issues.

And a couple of bios settings to try (though i doubt will help in single channel mode), disable 'cool & quiet' & 'spread spectrum'.


My PC- Ryzen 5 5600x, B550 aorus pro ac, Hyper 212 black, 2 x 16gb F4-3600c16dgtzn kit, NM790 2TB, Nitro+RX6900XT, RM850, Win.10 Pro., LC27G55T.

I'm using the same SSD with new windows installed, so no files to interfere there. 

Updated my Asus mainboard BIOS to the latest, downloaded from the manufacturers site directly.  

Enabled OCDP in BIOS, so my RAM now running at 3200mhz. 

I will have to check the last 2 settings you mentioned, will let you know about that. 

btw, I didn't have sound crackling issue in my old system even with single channel mode there. My biggest concern now is the reason the audio crackles when I run for an example Spotify in background and just when I start a game, audio crackles a little. but during gameplay it doesnt. It only happens when I start a game while playing music. (again.. it didnt happen in my old system.. and same USB sound card)

I'm guessing it has something to do with the AMD's USB controller. 





Also check chipset drivers, latest direct from AMD are Aug. 2023.

My PC- Ryzen 5 5600x, B550 aorus pro ac, Hyper 212 black, 2 x 16gb F4-3600c16dgtzn kit, NM790 2TB, Nitro+RX6900XT, RM850, Win.10 Pro., LC27G55T.

I think I said already that I updated the chipset driver to the latest from AMD site.  


To update you about your suggestion, these 'cool & quiet' & 'spread spectrum' option isn't present in my motherboard bios. My motherboard is Asus Prime A520M-K (latest BIOS)

Also, I uninstalled my Sound card driver and software yesterday and ran it with default windows driver. Crackling was gone!! but after reinstalling the updated software and driver it came back. I need the software to run my 5.1 speaker setup cause windows default 5.1 doesn't work with my sound card. I don't know, this didn't happen with my old system. 

I appreciate that you are trying to help. 



Some mobo makers name the options differently, should be listed somewhere in the bios manual, or someone from asus support forum may know.. and someone there may also be able to help with the sound card issue.


My PC- Ryzen 5 5600x, B550 aorus pro ac, Hyper 212 black, 2 x 16gb F4-3600c16dgtzn kit, NM790 2TB, Nitro+RX6900XT, RM850, Win.10 Pro., LC27G55T.

yup I will have to talk to Asus about that. As I said, my 10 years old Intel H61 board didn't have such issue at all which I am facing now unnecessarily LOL 

I tried to record the thing to show you but strangely the audio didn't crack in the record!! but I always here that during game loading. Very strange! Do you have any opinion about that? here is the youtube video, audio crackles was there but not present in the video


Maybe it is a layer 8 issues at all.


you are the layer 10 issue to society 


So you basically have not a single claim for your “statements” and try to play the victim card, that's cute and yeah kind of picture of your society......borderline I guess. You should check that 🙂


I don't have idle time to argue with some internet boss wannabe I don't even know, maybe you have. Since, you weren't any help with my problem instead you just continuously rant with your oppressive  attitude, I told you to leave my thread. But looks like you don't have any better job to do. LOL shame on you 


Man, you want to be heard, but you're failing to listen. The reason you're not seeing any FPS difference needs to be diagnosed! You don't have the data to reach any conclusion! Simple.

If you want to figure it out, here’s a step-by-step:

1 - Check the video settings of the games you want to see a difference in. Is there any setting preventing more frames from being generated (like vsync)?

2 - Are the drivers in your Windows configured correctly? Usually, reformatting Windows can solve issues like this! If you don’t want to format Windows, test the games with a Linux boot from a USB drive! PopOS has an ISO version with NVIDIA drivers included.

3 - Not using dual channel doesn’t help maximize this processor’s resources!

4 - Using the same GPU is glaringly obvious: how do you expect to compare if the GPU could (and likely is) the limiting factor? If you want a real comparison, the CPU should be the limiting factor, meaning the GPU should have higher performance!

5 - The final, unavoidable truth: you’re stuck! The GTX 1080 (Ti or not) is PCI-e 3.0 and runs at the bandwidth limit of this interface! More powerful GPUs will be PCI-e 4.0, and you will never reach the full potential of those GPUs with a PCI-e 3.0 motherboard. Now, you may have bought one with PCI-e 4.0, but I doubt it. They’re generally twice the price of the AM4 PCI-e 3.0 platforms.

Here’s my opinion:

You should pair your RAM stick and use dual channel (if you want more performance!). You should upgrade to a PCI-e 4.0 motherboard (if you want more performance!). You should upgrade your GPU (if you want more performance!). You should clean all drivers from your Windows, and ideally, reinstall it (if you want more performance!).

You were balanced with the second-generation i7 and the GTX 1080, both at the same performance level in their areas.

You upgraded the motherboard, RAM, and processor, and I know that was a significant investment! But this doesn’t move you to the next level, because the video memory bandwidth remains the same. And believe it or not, a CPU upgrade only gives more performance when the CPU is the bottleneck, which was not the case. The i7-2700K maximizes the GTX 1080's performance on average, and I reiterate: you will not get any better performance out of a stronger GPU if you keep using PCI-e 3.0!


I am not failing to listen, you are either failing to understand my issue or you are trying to impose AMD is flawless. 


Number 1: I wasn't talking about games only, it is slow in any applications, even a simple Notepad takes time to load. 

Number 2: At this point, I am not expecting better performance from this Ryzen CPU, I just want it to perform same as my old 2nd gen Core i7, which it is failing to do.


and if you still say my PCI 3.0 is the bottleneck then I will blame the bad CPU design of Ryzen.