Possuo um Ryzen 5 4600G, onde o Clock básico: 3.7GHz e no Clock de Max Boost: Até 4.2GHz, no entanto, está limitado a 3900Mhz.
Já instalei o AMD Ryzen Master, alterei para o Auto OC, na imagem mostra que ele alterou para 4400Mhz no máximo, mas quando realizo o teste de estresse,
não passa de 3900Mhz.
Placa mão ASROK Steel Legend B450M
Memória: 16GB DDR4 3200Mhz
Processador Ryzen 5 4600G
Uso Whater Coller para refrigeração. e placa de vídeo GFORCE 3060 8gb.
Queria entender se a limitação pode ser algo do processador ou se é configuração na placa mãe.
sousafrancisc, this is an English only User Forum. Please translate your post to English. Here is the AMD definition of Maximum Boost Clock:
ryzen 5 4600g limiting maximum clock
I have a Ryzen 5 4600G, where the basic Clock: 3.7GHz and the Max Boost Clock: Up to 4.2GHz, however, it is limited to 3900Mhz.
I already installed AMD Ryzen Master, I changed it to Auto OC, in the image it shows that it changed to 4400Mhz maximum, but when I perform the stress test,
does not exceed 3900Mhz.
ASROK Steel Legend B450M hand plate
Memory: 16GB DDR4 3200Mhz
Ryzen 5 4600G Processor
I use Whater Coller for refrigeration. and GFORCE 3060 8gb video card.
I would like to understand if the limitation could be something related to the processor or if it is a configuration on the motherboard.
Thanks, sousafrancisc. Post screenshots of Ryzen Master (RM) running Cinebench R24 Single core and Multicore. Only images of RM. John.
sousafrancisc, all six cores are still running full blast. Please run Cinebench R24 Single core. John.
sousafrancisc, now you have run into an RM bug. Please download the latest version of RM and try again. John.
The Ryzen Master (RM) is already in the most current version as directed in the previous link.
sousafrancisc, please post the RM version. John.
EDIT: Looks like the latest RM ( has regressed and brought back this old bug. I will see if I can find and old one for you.
EDIT: Have not found old ones but please try 2-13-1-3097 which is labeled "For Ryzen 2000 series processors and older"
I downloaded the amd-ryzen-master-2-13-1-3097 version and am installing it. I will overclock again and update this post.
I carried out the configuration via RM and it continues in the same way, it does not exceed 3900 Mhz.
The RM information shows that the overclock was carried out and that it can reach up to 4400Mhz, but it does not even reach the base buster which is 4200Mhz. 😞
sousafrancisc, I always need to see the RM screenshot. I do not know what your are running. Run it again and post the RM SS. Then Run Cinebench R24 Single Core and post the RM SS. John.
Single core
sousafrancisc, those HWinfo screenshots are useless to me; please no more. Post only RM shots. Your problem is your not running the normal Cinebench test because it is in Advanced mode. In Cinebench, click File (upper left) and uncheck Advanced Benchmark. John.
Multi core
sousafrancisc, I think you panic too soon. Why did you cancel CB? Now we do not even know what your score was. The scores shown while CB is running mean nothing. Let it finish. Do it again and say something besides just posting images with boxes and arrows. See here. You will need to search for 4600G. John.
sousafrancisc, looks fine to me. John.