j'ai 3 coeurs sur 6 sur mon RYZEN 5 1600 ???
I have 3 hearts out of 6 on my RYZEN 5 1600 ???
what to do ?
Have absolutely no clue to what your Post means.
RYZEN master sees only 3 processor out of 6 and it is impossible to modify it.
what to do
Provenance : Courrier pour Windows 10
De : elstaci
Envoyé le :mardi 27 mars 2018 14:18
À : jean jacques chancoin
Objet :Re: RYZEN 5 1600 | AMD Developer Forums
Re: RYZEN 5 1600
in Processors
Have absolutely no clue to what your Post means.
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This link from Tom's Hardware might have the solution: Ryzen 5 1600x problem - cannot enable all cores again - [Solved] - CPUs .
Look towards the bottom of the page for the solution.
Essayez avec cette orthographe : ça ne marche pas
it does not work
Suggérer une modification
Provenance : Courrier pour Windows 10
De : elstaci
Envoyé le :mardi 27 mars 2018 16:44
À : jean jacques chancoin
Objet :Re: RYZEN 5 1600 | AMD Developer Forums
Re: RYZEN 5 1600
in Processors
This link from Tom's Hardware might have the solution: Ryzen 5 1600x problem - cannot enable all cores again - - CPUs .
Look towards the bottom of the page for the solution.
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I have mental health problems™ combined with AMD™ technology and I would be glad to try and help you.
sometimes Windows ™will not work correctly without a fresh install, so have you tried a fresh install of Windows™ 10 when setting up the AMD™ based pc please?
I hope this helps with my problem,
have a nice day.
We hope we cant use exciting AMD™ products in the future.
It is similar to MrPerforations comment. This was the fix this person used:
Anyway, I've found the solution.
Do NOT configure anything in BIOS or Windows settings!
Once you turn off n cores by using Ryzen Master, you have to shut down your PC (completely turn it off!). Once you launch your hardware, all cores will be enabled again.
Below is my personal statement not from the above comment:
Reset your BIOS back to Default and also Windows Settings (if any). Turn off "N" Cores in Ryzen Master. Shut down and remove power from your computer. after a couple of minutes reconnect power and reboot. He says all cores will be enabled again.
If it doesn't work post back here again.
This person had something similar also in another thread and used this fix to have all Ryzen cores showing:
This question has been Answered.
warrcan Mar 3, 2018 6:17 PM
I tried to upgrade to version there were problems with the launch, there was not enough driver. disabled driver signature verification and launched the application. but I did not like the interface, I deleted the application and reset the settings in the BIOS. Now only 3 cores and 6 threads work, how can I fix this? Neither in the latest version nor in the older menu, the inclusion / deactivation of the cores does not work
Correct Answerby warrcan on Mar 5, 2018 12:12 AM
I tried a lot of ways, but that's what helped me:
1) First I closed the contact on the motherboard and thus reset the bios settings.
2) I then disabled the driver check again.
3) Installed and ran Ryzen Master, although the core management menu was still inactive, it was possible to reset the settings to "default".
4) After that, everything works fine.
osthus : coeur se dit CORE en anglais. Donc ta question est en anglais : I have only 3 cores out...
As tu réglé ton problème ? sinon je vais t'aider en Francais.
Non ! et merci
Voila :
Ma carte mere MSI b 350 voit 6 cœurs
W10 voit 6 cœurs.
AMD Ryzen Master et CPU Z ne voient que 3 cœurs ..
Qui à raison ?????
Encore merci
Provenance : Courrier pour Windows 10
De : sirius
Envoyé le :mercredi 28 mars 2018 02:10
À : jean jacques chancoin
Objet :Re: RYZEN 5 1600 | AMD Developer Forums
Re: RYZEN 5 1600
in Processors
osthus : coeur se dit CORE en anglais. Donc ta question est en anglais : I have only 3 cores out of 6 working on my Ryzen 5 1600 , How do I fix this.
As tu réglé ton problème ? sinon je vais t'aider en Francais.
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J’AI TROUVE ! 😃 😃 😃 Merci
Provenance : Courrier pour Windows 10
De : sirius
Envoyé le :mercredi 28 mars 2018 02:10
À : jean jacques chancoin
Objet :Re: RYZEN 5 1600 | AMD Developer Forums
Re: RYZEN 5 1600
in Processors
osthus : coeur se dit CORE en anglais. Donc ta question est en anglais : I have only 3 cores out of 6 working on my Ryzen 5 1600 , How do I fix this.
As tu réglé ton problème ? sinon je vais t'aider en Francais.
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content de voir que tu as réglé ton problème , bravo ! AND since it is currently being moderated, I'd say to the moderator : SEE with your idea about using google translate, the page went ON for ages and it took way too long to fix a problem,,. Google translate doesn't do a good job at translating French to English. Si since AMD sell hardware all over the planet and is own by the arab, might as well let people post in their language and wait for someone aho can speak their language to help them.