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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Ryzen 2700x Powering Off While Gaming

Ever since I upgraded my PC and started using AMD I've had issues where my PC would randomly shut off.  I downloaded Ryzen Master and I can see my EDC is constantly at 100%.  Even while in Power Saver Mode.  I've attempted fixing it tons of times now but I can not find out what is causing the issue.  

Im currently running:

Motherboard   B450 Tomahawk

CPU   Ryzen 2700x

GPU   RTX 2070 Super

PSU   EVGA 700 Supernova G5

RAM   2x Kingston HyperX Fury 8GB 2133MHz

I'm sure its not the PSU, I've changed it since the error started happening because I thought it was causing it.  I have no clue at this point what I can do that will fix it.  If anyone has an ideas I will be more than happy to try them.

2 Replies

Go to the OCCT power test for half an hour and look at maximum CPU temperature.
If your PSU is healthy, you need either a good CPU cooler or a good motherboard.

What mode, thread count or instruction set  do I select? My computer cut off while gaming as well and it's a new build. I also have the 2700x.