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PC Processors

Adept I

Ryze Master Hystogram Affecting Temps

Hello everyone, I'm just a humble PC owner, I just switched to AMD and a rough time with a gigabyte motherboard that wouldn't post after 5 days of working fine ( got RMA and now it's fixed).

I noticed yesterday while watching the Ryzen Master Hystogram that everytime I refreshed it I got like 5-10c lower. Now I turned it off and my temps on idle are 35-40c with stock cooling.

You might wanna give it a try if you want those low temps.

My build:

r9 3900x

gigabyte aorus x570 elite


samsung evo 970 plus 500gb

hyperx predator black 16gb 3200 (2 dimms)

1 tb hdd

be quiet PSU 700w

2 Replies

Generating that histogram puts a load on the CPU which increases temperatures. You'll notice the same thing if you move your mouse around as well.


Thats normal, given that its doing actual processing to produce the histogram. Because the simple act of changing bar sizes for cor frequencies does the same, ryzen master overall will keep some manner of load on the CPU to make it all happen.