Hello. I have some question. Half year ago I bought amd ryzen 1700 and last mounths in Quake champions game was bonus Nyx red set for amd users. How can i get it? I've been using AMD CPU'S for a long time. My first Amd cpu was Athlon after this i got Phenom x6 next was FX 8350 and now i have ryzen 1700. After the purchase ryzen 1700, in the box was only cpu + cpu coller + Amd sticker . I didnt found any code , will be nice if i can get it here. I'm a big fan of AMD and will be happy get AMD set for QC. =)
It seems like that Promotion is over. At AMD Rewards it doesn't even mention that promotion any more over here: https://www.amdrewards.com/amdrewards/
This link from from August 2017 concerning the Ruby promotion and how to get it. AMD’s Ruby Marks Her Return with Quake Champions
I managed to get it, I was Beta Testing Quake Champions at the time ...
I have not logged in to Bethesda Launcher for a while but I had thought it was going to be available for purchase at some point.
I am pretty useless at the game, but I was going to play it this week so I will login and see if you can buy the skin in one of the packs.
Meantime, here she is : colesdav - AMD Ruby in Quake Champions - Plays.tv
Hey man
Thanks in advance for your reply
You could ask AMD Radeon about it on Twitter maybe?
You never know.
They might give you a code for the skin or tell you to how buy it.
You could also post your own thread on this forum.
However this is user-user forum.
Sorry about the Plays.TV link to the video not working.
Plays.tv just shut down w/o giving much notice and I lost everything on there.
However you can see the skin here: https://youtu.be/Z7ZIEnaA0mc?t=284
Good Luck.
I took a look at latest version of Quake Champions.
There does not seem to be a way to purchase AMD Ruby Outfit.
It still says it is an AMD Promotional Item for Nyx.
Seems silly to me.
Pretty sure some people would buy that outfit.
But there you have it.
Sorry but that is all I can do.
I might ask on Twitter later.
afaik, you can't. and probably never will. it was a reward for buying AMD cards (2017, I think). the problem is: by that time, the majority of people who bought AMD cards were miners. stupid, right?