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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Recently bench marked a newly purchased Ryzen 7 2700x, it appeared to have a higher base clock than boost clock. Potential CPU issues. Benchmark here (Note: Ram is not the issue, just recently purchased 3200hz RAM and no improvements) [UserBenchmarks: Gam

Im nervous that the CPU is operating on a sub-par performance level, and it is unfix-able. Please any suggestions would help

1 Reply
Big Boss

jotun124, why two threads?  I suggest you use the Action keyword and delete one.  With no information, it is hopeless to speculate.  Why do you suspect the processor?  With no information I suspect what you are using to make your measurements. Please post your system specifications - HW, SW, etc.  Please post a screenshot of Ryzen Master (R) - simply drag-n-drop the image into your reply.  I know nothing about [UserBenchmarks: Gam

Please post a link.  Thanks and enjoy, John.