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PC Processors

Adept I

R7 3700X problems with Rainbow 6 siege: High temperatures

Hello! i have the next PC:

CPU: Ryzen 7 3700x

GPU: RTX 2070 Super

RAM: 16GB (2X8) 3200mhz

Motherboard: Gigabyte A320M

With SSD M.2 and 1TB Wester digital disk.

My problem is that in most games (cs go, league of legends, fortnite, destiny 2, to name a few) the temperature varies between 75 and 90 C. However, in Rainbow six siege the temperature is above 93 , it has even reached 95, and in Ryzen Master, the temperature limit is 95 (attached image). Please I need help, I have the stock configuration and the fan that comes with the processor.

P.D: I use a translate, sorry about my english. 

14 Replies

Whats your ambient room temp, CPU idle Temp and the case fan setup? (i.e number of intake and exhaust fans and their configuration).

Need to know these first so we can guess where the problem is cause from what your describing (at least to me) it kinda looks like its getting a bit toasty inside your case due to the hot exhaust air from your GPU building up inside the case during gaming scenarios.

Hello! my room temp is 22 to 30°C (the highest I have had is 30), the temp of the processor goes from 46 to 50 when it is inactive. I have 3 fans in front and one behind the case (they came with the Red Dragon SIDESWIPE GC-601). Also something I noticed, is that in games like those mentioned above, when the room temp is high the processor obviously rises 85-90ºC, but when the room temp is low it only reaches 75 or 80ºC. However, the rainbow six always throws me above 90ºC, I think it was never below, maybe it reached 87ºC.

Thanks! James

At 30c room temp its not surprising that your getting 80c+ using the stock cooler, It also doesnt help that you only have one exhaust fan plus that RTX2070 also blowing hot air just below your CPU, meaning there's a buildup of Hot air inside your case and its not getting vented out fast enough and instead is just circulating inside all that warm ait inside, continuesly feeding warm air into your GPU and CPU before beeing exhausted out of the One exhasut fan your have at the back.

Ideally (in your case at atleast) you should have 3 exhaust fans along with your 3 intake (neutral pressure) all running at the same speeds so that fresh air is always flowing inside of your case, especially for you when your having 30c+ ambient room temp.

If by chance you cant do 3 exhausts fans, you can also do two (Positive Pressure, Slightly Less dust buildup) but i would advice against it in your case cause that setup works best when you have a lower ambient room temp (20c),  but when your room temp reaches 30c+ then its much better to exhaust the hot air out from the case as fast as possible.

Would also reccomend looking into buying a Decent Tower cooler or even better A 240 or 280mm AIO, cause its just too warm in your room and your slowly cooking your CPU with your current fan setup as is, not to mention i can already tell just by your temps that your GPU is also not Boosting to its max because of how hot it is inside your case.

I will see how to get more fans and improve the fluid of the air, since I will not be able to reduce the temperature of my room.
On the other hand, in relation to rainbow six siege I get more hot than other games do you know why it could be?


If I had to guess on why its much hotter when in R6 Siege, its probably because most Ubisoft games tends to have higher sustained CPU load/usage compared to other games.


One way to verify if the computer case has poor air circulation is by removing the Computer side panel where the CPU is located and see if the temperatures goes down. If it doesn't, then put a regular house fan on the floor next to the computer case and aim it at the open Computer case and see if that lowers the temps. If it does, then you need to look at the CPU's Cpu Cooler or add more exhaust case fans to your computer case.

As mentioned previously, it might be best to install a AIO Liquid CPU Cooler (strong one) for your 3rd generation processor if you have limited air flow in the computer case.

Also make sure the inside of the computer case is clear of dust and debris. Especially on the CPU fan and GPU fans and computer case screens or filters.


I'm going to try this. Do you mean the panel behind the mother or the one in front of the CPU cooler? (in my case a tempered glass)


The side panel that you need to remove to install the motherboard on your computer case.

Looks like you need a better chassis or at least install some more fans in fan bays if possible

i use the Cooler Master HAF 932 which is perfect for gaming, never overheats

Adept I

did you fix your computer by yourself? 

my tips
-reapply thermal paste, or replace a new heat sink
-ensure full contact of the heat sink with the processor (remove any plastic sticker as most HSF has one at the bottom)


I made sure that the heatsink was well in contact, and the thermal paste is the one that came with the amd heatsink and has little use time. But I'll keep that in mind, maybe I should change the thermal paste.


i dont know for amd heatsink if theres a plastic sticker underneath it which normally most 3rd party has it. ensure that plastic sticker is removed before installing it onto the processor. it is one of the most common issues people faced when having heat issues.

other than that, a properly installed HSF shouldnt have such heat issue unless the fans are not working correctly when cpu is at high load.(just check the fan speed)

rainbow six siege is a AAA game which normally will use more of your cpu/gpu processor hence higher temperature. 


You do have a very valid point about the plastic covering on the Thermal paste on a new CPU Cooler. But I believe if the plastic cover was on, the processor would overheat very quickly since it can't remove the heat efficiently.  I have mentioned the same thing to other Users but only when the Processor overheats and shuts down rather quickly. Besides checking the usual things for a defective CPU Cooler.

But if his ambient temperature is generally around 30C or higher, it will be difficult for the computer to cool itself since it is blowing warm air into the computer case from the outside. But if it is 28C or below it should be fine to cool the computer, IMHO.

Most likely he needs better air circulation inside his computer case plus a better AIO Liquid CPU Cooler or Air CPU Cooler rather then the stock CPU Cooler that came with the processor. The Stock CPU Cooler is adequate for normal usage, but may not be adequate in a poorly air circulated or hot room environment.

I do know that ambient temperature does affect the CPU and GPU temps. As an example, When my apartment's inside temperature is around 30C, My 125 watt TDP Processor idle temperatures are around 5-10C higher than normal. But as soon as the Air Conditioner brings the room temperature to around 26C, the idle temps immediately go lower.back to normal as before.


I guess it's normal, but I played destiny 2 and the new cod, and the temperatures were normal for games like cs go, that is to say about 75-80ºC, what is strange to me is that in the rainbow it rises so much, even when the temps are low It's the only game that reaches 90ºc. I don't know if it's an optimization problem or what.