Hi, I'm trying to activate bitlocker for my PC, but I'm having problems with TPM. The fTPM is active in BIOS
Inside Windows, I have an error with the certificate (my windos is in PT-BR). Below Status, it says the certificate is not ready and storage is ready.
Then, the trobleshooting says the certificate is not ready and I need to clear the TPM and restart the computer. I click on "Clear TPM" and, then, the windows restart.
But, after the new inicialization, the problem persists. Certificate: Not ready.
Could it be a problem with the hardware itself?
If you haven't done this, give it a try.
Disable it in the BIOS as it will erase the contents of fTPM. Restart Windows.
Check Device Manager and make sure TPM is not there under security devices, if it is, delete it. Restart and re-enable and restart again.
Sorry if it doesn't help, although, I think Bitlocker should have a workaround and work without TPM. (Check YouTube for a tutorial)
It didn't work. TPM disapear from the security menu when disabled. Disabled and re-enabled and the certificate issue persists. I will try to find a solution, but it looks like a hardware problem.
If you have the header on the board, maybe adding a physical TPM chip instead of fTPM.
try to update your motherboard bios version, it worked for me