Have anyone a solution for this problem? Automatically VRAM for Radeon Vega is set to 512 mb. But it can be increased by BIOS setting. There are a lot of guides on the net how to do it. But in my motherboard - this setting dont want to save. After reboot - 512mb anyway and option on BIOS is set to auto.
Solved! Go to Solution.
I SOLVED IT! In BIOS was ANOTHER option about increasing vRAM 😄
After changing the vRAM amount in BIOS settings do you hit F10 or in BIOS itself to save the settings?
If it keeps going back to default settings after saving the new settings try a CMOS CLEAR and try again.
ALL of setting, except this, I can change and save. I'll try reset CMOS, but i think it wont help(
So, as i thought - it's not helped me
I would open a Gigabyte Support ticket with your motherboard and see if BIOS allows you to change the Default setting for the APU.
Have you tried updating the BIOS to the latest NON-BETA BIOS version to see if it fixes your issue? The latest is version F14e: https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/B550-AORUS-ELITE-V2-rev-10/support#support-dl-bios
Also how much RAM MEMORY do you have installed? If you have too little installed that could be a reason why you can't change it since vRAM removes System Memory from being used.
Also I would update your AMD CHIPSET Driver set to the latest if you have Windows 11 installed which fixes the AMD Processor bug.
I created support ticket yesterday. Hope, they answer me (official date - 3-7 business days). I just thought maybe I'll find people with the same problem here. I have already installed f14e and 21.10.2 and no - I'm still on Win 10).
I have 16GB RAM And Windows itself shows me, that Avaliable vRAM is 8GB, but APU uses only 512MB
I SOLVED IT! In BIOS was ANOTHER option about increasing vRAM 😄
Hey, unmark my answer as "Solution" and mark your last answer of finding another BIOS Setting as the "Solution" Thanks.
Hey man what was the option you finded in BIOS? Thanks for the help.