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PC Processors

Adept II

Number of processors for AMD EPYC for MPI applications

I am using 7551P processor and I keep on getting errors when I try to use run the MPI application with more than 8 processors. Could this be the problem of NUMA core settings?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

- Joong

3 Replies

Dual CPU boards are the most common in blade server setups.

Qual CPU boxes are uncommon as few need to use more then 256GB of RAM for a workload etc

HPE has made 8 CPU servers but that box was very expensive and it used a custom chipset for Intel


I was asking if I need to do a special configuration settings for AMD EPYC CPU when using MPI. I can only run my MPI application with no more than 8 cores. By the way, I am using 7551P, 32 core, which is single socket processor.


If your app is that limited you may be better off with a CPU like my R5 2400G which is 4 cores and 8 threads and stuff a board is a rack chassis and hook it up the the backplane

generally any CPU cannot do much about the cores, the operating system can to some extent but I have not seen anything in Windows. I have used threads and OpenMP in C++ extensively.