Hi I was give this broken pc a Hp touch smart iq770 (5188-6259 motherboard s1 socket ) , I managed to fix the pc motherboard and what i am looking for now is to maximise its speed , at the moment it has a amd turion 64x2 CPU and 4gb ram in ,so I'm looking for a CPU that will speed up this old pc . Thanks
According to CPU World on the S1 Socket Motherboards. Here is the list of all Processors that will fit in that socket:
But I highly advice that you open a HP Support ticket to find out which of the above listed processors are supported on the particular motherboard and which BIOS version you need installed to support the processor.
All of the above processors will fit in your motherboard S1 socket. But if BIOS doesn't support the processor you PC will never boot up.
thank you very much elstaci for all this information
but im not sure on what a ticket is, but im assuming its to ask hp for some advice.
Yes, Contact HP and ask them what processor that motherboard supports.
HP Customer Service contact: Contact HP Customer Support | HP® Customer Support
Good luck and Happy New Year's.
chances are that HP does not support many processors for that machine
better to save your pesos and use open market parts and BYOD