Thanks for the Update and new information.
You have a Asus M11BB PC Computer. It has the last BIOS version for your Motherboard version 0403:

Unfortunately Asus doesn't have a CPU SUPPORT LIST for that OEM M11BB PC Computer.
If the Motherboard Model you posted originally than it does support the APU processor but since the Motherboard inside your M11BB PC may not be the exact same model since it has a different BIOS numeration then the Motherboard that I posted.
Run SPECCY and see what Asus Motherboard it has inside your PC computer. Upload the image showing the Main Board.
But if I was you I would open a Asus Support Chat or Email Ticket and ask them for the CPU Support list for your M11BB Computer PC. See if you are able to upgrade your processor and if BIOS version 0403 will support the new processor you want.