about three rows up and 4 in there are two pins that look like they ar on a 45 angle.. the chipset is brand new when gently placing the chipset onto the ASUS compatible mother board it would not "set" itself.
if you have two bent pins, have you tried straightening them out? You can't install the CPU with bent pins. It won't enter into the socket. plus you may end up damaging other pins or the MoBo socket.
On Youtube there are many tutorials on how to unbent CPU pins without breaking them.
AMD WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER BENT OR BROKEN CPU PINS! So if you break one of the bent CPU Pins and the CPU doesn't work, you are out of luck. AMD WON'T REPLACE IT UNDER WARRANTY.
If your CPU came with bent pins before you opened the package, then you can try and have the retailer replace it if you can prove it was that way when you first got it. A good Retailer will probably exchange it. If they won't then you have a problem.
buffalonewbuild, if it came from the seller like that, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO STRAIGHTEN THE PINS! Go to or contact the seller ASAP and request an RMA. Good luck and enjoy, John.
Thank you it was very odd they are replacing.
Chris Fasanello
Yep, the 2700x pins are real thin like hair - I would not touch it!