Still, it would be what the bios allows. You should be able to see a screw on the back of your notebook with a etched in memory picture next to when you flip it upside down.
Purchase the correct ram from a vendor and socket in 16GB. Your notebook might be specific to which brand and size it needs, you go to notebook website, find your notebook, Click the Specifications Link they provide and scroll down until you see memory listed.
Purchase what they say to upgrade to. This however wont change your VRam , this only changes your DRam, you can increase your shared memory through tutorials online (after) you get your new upgrade sticks, it should help a little, but dont expect extreame results afterwards, still its a good idea and drop a 256GB SSD in it while your at it, now thats going to be worth every penny in performance,
Those 2 upgrades should have your notebook surf like a pro 
If you got the time to research the right upgrade kit to SSD that is, but way worth it on Win10.