Can someone tell me whether my lever is in the correct position or not? Currently in the Green position (Please see the attached pic)
Thanks in advance.
Yep as billy already said the yellow is correct. Just make sure you have it perfectly flush when you move that lever down. Those levers are easy to break.
pokester wrote:
Yep as billy already said the yellow is correct. Just make sure you have it perfectly flush when you move that lever down. Those levers are easy to break.
I have some old AM3 coolers and they are less likely to break when attaching them to the pins on the bracket.
I very much agree. Honestly except for the maybe the looks or added RGB on some of the new coolers. Those old AMD coolers with the copper and heat pipes IMHO were far better coolers than what they offer now. The levers on those were beefier and I have never had one break. The new coolers have such a thin amount of plastic right at the pressure point above the pin and it is no surprise a lever will break. Again I have to ask if you are going to make it that thin then why not spend about a penny more and make it metal and not ever have to worry about it. It is a huge complaint seen often in these and other forums. With what AMD has likely already spend on RMAs to fix this, they likely could have improved the coolers in several ways and still come out ahead.
pokester wrote:
I very much agree. Honestly except for the maybe the looks or added RGB on some of the new coolers. Those old AMD coolers with the copper and heat pipes IMHO were far better coolers than what they offer now. The levers on those were beefier and I have never had one break. The new coolers have such a thin amount of plastic right at the pressure point above the pin and it is no surprise a lever will break. Again I have to ask if you are going to make it that thin then why not spend about a penny more and make it metal and not ever have to worry about it. It is a huge complaint seen often in these and other forums. With what AMD has likely already spend on RMAs to fix this, they likely could have improved the coolers in several ways and still come out ahead.
I noticed on my RGB cooler it was quite cheaply made so I was very careful to install it. The photos above are showing the pressure arm as in place properly.
On mine I didn't even have the copper insert and I know the previous gen chips had them as I have seen the pictures. Bean counters continue to cheap out and I just will never get that because you don't save anything and you tick your customers off. To me if they don't want to ship with good coolers then don't include them and sell it cheaper and let everyone pick their own.
My RGB cooler has a shroud so its not easy to see how many heat pipes are present etc.
It does seem to be functional. My 65W processor does not get appreciably warm.
The lag from a demanding task before the fan kicks up can be a moment or two which is why the heavier fan makes sense.