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PC Processors

Adept I

How Many Physical Cores Does The AMD A4 7300 Have?

I bought A4 7300, according to information it says that the processor has 2 cores / 2 threads. Testing programs as well as the windows system itself inform that this processor has 1 core / 2 threads. My question: How many A4 7300 have physical cores?

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4 Replies

One Steamroller module comprised of one floating point and two integer processors.

Thx , but does it mean that it has 1 physical core and two logical cores like this ?  I ask becouse 3D mark 11 shows me 1 physical core and 2 logical cores, I do not know if it's OK or I have 1 core turned off.


It means you have one physical "core", as the terminology is used.

Ok Thank You