Dec 25 18:35:48 manjaro kernel: [Hardware Error]: Corrected error, no action required.
Dec 25 18:35:48 manjaro kernel: [Hardware Error]: CPU:0 (17:71:0) MC25_STATUS[-|CE|MiscV|-|-|-|-|CECC|-|-|>
Dec 25 18:35:48 manjaro kernel: [Hardware Error]: IPID: 0x000100ff03830400
Dec 25 18:35:48 manjaro kernel: [Hardware Error]: Platform Security Processor Ext. Error Code: 62
Dec 25 18:35:48 manjaro kernel: [Hardware Error]: cache level: RESV, tx: INSN
It's 3700x paired with 32G G.Skill trident Clock speed 3600. Also, please be advised, It's is running on factory clock settings. CPU and RAMs are not OC'ed.
I'm a Windows 10 user but If you give me the steps I can try to reproduce this error. I'm using a Ryzen 3700x and have a 16gb usb thumbstick available If I need to boot into linux.