I have a question about the CPU Ryzen 9 5950x I can use the one on the motherboard, MSI MPG X570 Gaming Plus?
Yes your MSI Motherboard supports that Ryzen 9 5950x with the correct BIOS Version installed: https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/MPG-X570-GAMING-PLUS/support
You can download the correct BIOS from MSI Support for your Motherboard from above link. Click on the one I circled with the download icon.
@Nagrenol showed a different BIOS version than the one I saw at MSI Support and he was also correct. Seems like there are two Ryzen 9 5950X version.
One with stepping BO and the other with Stepping B2.
BIOS version 7C37vAB came out on 11/04/2020 while BIOS version 7C37vAE came out on 07/01/2021.
There are two newer BIOS versions. The latest one is 7C37vAG from 03/31/2022.
If your Motherboard was manufactured after 07/2021 then both versions of Ryzen 9 5950X should work out of the box.
Best way to test compatibility is using PC Part Picker - https://pcpartpicker.com/list/
It will show an error message at the bottom for any issues
I just added the 2 parts you mentioned and it gave the following
Potential Issues / Incompatibilities
Warning: The AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 3.4 GHz 16-Core Processor does not include a stock CPU cooler. Adding a CPU Cooler to your part list is recommended.
Warning: The MSI MPG X570 GAMING PLUS ATX AM4 Motherboard supports the AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 3.4 GHz 16-Core Processor with BIOS version 7C37vAB. If the motherboard is using an older BIOS version, upgrading the BIOS will be necessary to support the CPU.
Disclaimer: Some physical dimension constraints are currently not checked, such as CPU coolers and RAM clearance.
So nothing to worry about, just advising on having a cooler for the CPU and also to update to the latest bios on your board.
The disclaimer at the bottom just relates to sizing as is more a general message
@elstaci..this mans too fast 😥
I deleted my answer because MSI CPU LIST shows two Ryzen 9 5950X BIOS versions so PCPARTPICKER was correct and so was I:
Depending on which Ryzen 9 5950X the OP has.
is this compatible with the MSI B550 GAMING GEN3 ATX AM4 Motherboard