Hi there
I bought a ready made PC about 6 months ago and from day one it freezes. The freezing tends to increase when playing games or using video editing software and happens multiple times per day, sometimes within minutes of playing a game or using software. Game settings don't make a difference and it doesn't really matter what age the game is. It can also freeze when "resting" although this is rare, maybe once in a week.
By “freezing” I mean the mouse and keyboard both work but I can no longer open anything and when I click on the reset button in windows and it just stays on the “restart” screen.
When I switch to onboard graphics however there is still the occasional freeze but no where near as bad as when using the rx580. Initially I thought this was a graphics card problem and replaced it but it has made no difference. I also replaced a number of other components, please see below:
original build:
Ryzen 5 3400g with VEGA graphics
1x8gb corsair ram (replaced with 2x8gb 2400mhz hyperx)
MSI RX580 armour OC 8gb (replaced with MSI GTX1650s 4gb)
250gb Toshiba SSD
2TB Seagate Barracuda HDD
Coolermaster MWE 230v 500w PSU (replaced with Thermaltake BX1 750w).
All my drivers are up to date. I changed the power settings in windows, I over watted and underwatted the RX580 I had at the time, I enabled xmp/docp on the RAM.
Prior to sending this I did a test with cinebench and saved Speccy results which are attached. The computer did freeze while doing the test but it continued doing the test until it was finished, Speccy results are just prior to it freezing. I had to hard reset once it was done. CPU and MB temps were at 76 degrees Celsius if that helps.
I don't know if this is a hardware issue a temperature issue or a BIOS issue.
Any help would be appreciated. If you need anymore info please let me know.
Open up Ryzen Master and then run Cinebench r20
Keep an eye on the temperature and the clock speed boost your getting.
Take a screenshot somewhere near the end or if it freezes.
Ok, will do.
Hi I did run cinebench and the *.txt I attached was at it's highest temperature just prior to freezing, but if I can get a save/snapshot while frozen I'll post it, thanks.
If 76C is the highest temperature then it's fine.
Just wasn't sure how much delay there was between the cinebench run and speccy.
My CPU temp drops from 74 to 40ish within a few seconds of cinebench finishing
Ok this is good to know. I know AMD components generally run hotter than intel but I wasn't sure what as an acceptable range.
Also I'm not sure which exact memory kits you have but none of the HyperX memory is listed on the QVL list at 4000MHz
Check out the full list and see if you can find your kit.
Sorry but I can't seem to find it on here either. "I typed in C:\WINDOWS\system32>wmic memorychip get devicelocator, manufacturer" in the command prompt and got the manufacturer as "Kingston". Cpu-z and speccy don't give any further information other than the size and "clocks". I'm a bit of a noob with these things so I apologize. Is there any other way to get more information?
If you bought the memory online you can check your order for the kit number.
Do you still have the same freezes if you turn off the XMP/DOCP profile?
Look in Windows/minidump and drop the latest dmp file into a post and we can try and see whats causing the crashes.
You might have to copy the file to desktop before uploading, windows can get a bit fussy.
I seemed to have fixed the problem but I'll check this out anyway in case there are any future issues, thanks.
In BIOS locate this settings and see if it helps with the freezing:
Did you tried to change the BIOS configuration that should be in [Advanced CPU Settings] called [Power Supply Idle Control] and change the value to [Typical Current Idle]?
No I have never gone into that part of BIOS, but I will have a look at this. Just to let you know I did update BIOS the day after posting, I'm currently keeping an eye on the temperature while playing a game that always freezes after about 10-20 minutes and will screenshot/save if it allows me. I'll let you all know if this has made any difference.
Hi all just wanted to update you, the BIOS update I did yesterday seems to have fixed it. I'm not sure how, if it was the update itself or if it reset something in BIOS but so far for two days no freezing has occurred even when using video editing software/games that were notorious for freezing for me. Thanks for the responses anyway