Hola tengo placa base msi pro carbon con rycen 5 la placa tiene 8 pin cpu1 y 4 pin cpu1 ¿es necesario conectar los 12 pines para correcto funcionamiento?
I would connect the 8 pin Power which is for your CPU. The 4 pin I would also connect which is for your CPU. Normally the 4 pin can be left unconnected unless you are planning on Overclocking the Processor.
But to be on the safe side, I would connect both Aux Power connectors (4 & 8 Pins) to your motherboard. No harm in connecting both. For sure connect the 8 Pin Aux Power Connector.
en3, you should always connect all power connectors, that is what they are there for. MB vendors do not place them to amuse the users. This is an English only forum. Please use English in future posts. Thanks and enjoy, John.