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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Clarification on AMD Processor Performance Counter Documentation (LsTwDcFills)

Hello AMD Community,

Upon reviewing the Open Source Register Reference Manual for AMD Family 17h processors (models 00h-2Fh), I came across detailed information about the Core::X86::Pmc::Core::LsTwDcFills performance counter on page 156.

However, while examining the documentation for Family 19h processors, model 21h revision B0, I couldn't find any reference to the Core::X86::Pmc::Core::LsTwDcFills counter. Despite this, I've successfully employed this counter on Family 19h processors, particularly with tools like perf stat using for example the event "cpu/event=0x5B,umask=0x01/"

I'd really appreciate your insights on the following:

  1. Can you confirm the continued appropriateness of utilizing the Core::X86::Pmc::Core::LsTwDcFills performance counter on Family 19h processors, especially model 21h revision B0, even though it's not explicitly documented?
  2. Given its observed functionality, is it reasonable to assume that the Core::X86::Pmc::Core::LsTwDcFills counter on Family 19h processors also measures Table Walker Data Cache Fills by Data Source, akin to its documented functionality in Family 17h processors?

Thank you, and I look forward to your response.

Kind regards,


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