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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Can't boot into Windows 10 after resetting BIOS to "default optimized settings"

Ok. I'm about to lose my mind this is so frustrating. Let me start with specs:

Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX B450-F

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x

RAM: Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3200mhz

GPU: EVGA GTX 1660 6gb (I think? Maybe 4)

I built this setup probably about 9 months ago and had it running with literally no issues pretty much since then, up until the last week or so. I'd been having some real instability issues and random crashing of the entire system. I figured maybe I should go into my BIOS and tune down the voltage on the CPU that I had pushed up a bit when I built the system. Bad idea. At least, I should've freaking saved my current settings before I did anything. I booted into my BIOS and loaded the optimized settings. Again, bad idea. What is it they say? If it ain't broke don't fix it? I guess it was kind of broke before but now it's REALLY broke.

I save my new "optimized settings" (I did reset my ram clock speed to 3200mhz though, the optimized settings placed it at 2100 for some reason) and rebooted. Booted into Windows automatic repair, it did it's thing for a moment then my screen read that "windows automatic repair could not fix your issue" and directed me to a log file (also very frustrating because how am I even supposed to see the log file if I can't get into the OS?). I then proceeded to spend the last two hours rebooting and trying every freaking option I could in the advanced settings of windows automatic repair. Finally I conceded and figured I might just have to reset the OS. I go to reset the OS from the windows auto repair menu and guess what? I get "There was a problem resetting your PC. No changes were made." Or something to that effect. I can't even reset the PC now.

Also something to mention, I couldn't even get to Windows auto repair every time I rebooted. Sometimes the machine would turn on and I'd just get either a red (CPU issue) or white (GPU issue) LED lit on the motherboard and absolutely no image on my monitor. In fact, as I write this, I'm looking at my very expensive PC displaying no image at all on my monitor with an evil little red LED looking back at me.

I learned my lesson: probably shouldn't dig around in my BIOS without either knowing exactly what I'm doing, or at least saving my working configuration first. How do I fix this and get this machine back up and running?

2 Replies

Have you tried a CMOS reset?

Agreed reset your bios. Your manual should show you how. Likely you can even find a tube video on it.