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PC Processors

Adept I

Can a CPU cause installation problems?

So i recently built a new pc.

but i'm having problems doing a clean install of windows 10.

I insert a usb installation tool, that i created with microsoft's "media creationtool".

but kept getting the error 0xc0000098

after many trials and errors.

i can get to the installation screen with one of my (good) ram (i have 2 sticks of 8gb).

note: when placing the (bad) ram in, i get error message 0xc0000017.

both rams together gives me the 0xc0000098 (keep in mind there is no OS on this device)

but here's the thing about the bad ram. from all the test i done, everything seems fine.

i did a memtest (regular voltage and +0.1v) NO ERRORS whatsoever. (8 passes)

I hear no error beeps only startup beep and have no "no-post" problems.

Also see the ram in my bios and linux sees the ram too.

my question is can a CPU cause component/installation problems? or could the problem be something else?

I reallly want to use my 2 rams, i don't believe its broken after all the tests.

my built:

1    AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Wraith Boxed

1    Asus Prime B350-Plus

1    Sapphire Nitro+ Radeon RX 580 8GD5 Special Edition

1    Seagate Barracuda, 2TB

1    Fractal Design Define S

1    Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2B3000C15B

1    BitFenix Formula Gold 450W

1    Samsung 860 EVO 250GB

2 Replies

1)  You have installed an underpowered PSU for your RX 580 according to this website: PSU REQUIREMENTS - RealHardTechX . You should have a minimum PSU of 550 watts. It probably will boot up and work normally until it needs extra PSU power for heavy graphic intensive games or software. Then you may end up with weird graphic problems due to not getting enough power from the PSU.

2) I can't seem to locate a Samsung 860 EVO SSD in the QVL List from Asus Support concerning your Motherboard:

2A) Make sure your motherboard has the correct minimum BIOS installed for your Ryzen CPU:  BIOS Version 3803 or later version. PRIME B350-PLUS CPU / Memory Support | Motherboards | ASUS USA

3) This is Microsoft answer to your installation error. Try following the advice on this link and see if it installs: error 0xc0000098 while installing Windows 10 - Microsoft Community .


Copied from 3) link concerning answer to above error:

Try downloading the .ISO file first then create a bootable copy:Preparing the .ISO file for installation.See instructions for burning .ISO files in Windows 7 or later: can also use the Microsoft USB/DVD Tool, which is recommended for Windows XP users.After obtaining the .iso file you use the Microsoft .iso to USB/DVD tool to create a bootable DVD or USB (requires a blank DVD or USB flash st...Image
For UEFI based systems
If your computer is UEFI based, these are normally systems that come pre-loaded with Windows 8 or later, you will need to prepare the ISO file for such a configuration or you will receive an error message during setup. The thumbdrive needs to be formatted as FAT32 and use the GPT partitioning scheme. To do this, you need to use Rufus, a small tool you can download for free.Image Rufus - credit: Pete Batard / AkeoAfter you have installed Rufus:
  • Launch it
  • Select ISO Image
  • Point to the Windows 10 ISO file
  • Check off Create a bootable disk using
  • Select GPT partitioning for EUFI firmware as the Partition scheme
  • Choose FAT32 NOT NTFS as the File system
  • Make sure your USB thumbdrive in the Device list box
  • Click Start
  • Close when complete

By the way, I have the Windows 7 USB/DVD Tool on my computer and I use it to make a Windows 10 Bootable Flash Drive with it or any .ISO file to make a bootable Flash drive. Small but very good tool.

See if you can put your BIOS into Legacy/UEFI mode. That way you might be able to install Windows 10 without using Rufus.

EDIT: Here is a list of all the QVL RAM MEMORY For the Ryzen 2xxx series CPUs:

I see many Corsair with identical Part numbers except for the last Character. I don't see any that ends with a "B". One that ends with a "R" and all the rest ends with "15" with different RAM versions of the same Part number. So, I believe your RAM MEMORY should be compatible unless the "B" makes it different somehow from the rest.


1) According to the person who provided me the build the PSU has three 12v rails that can be charged up to 25A with a combined maximum of 37, 5A. More than enough for the system. In addition, the Bitfenix is of much better quality than a GM G550M.

2) the samsung ssd isn't the problem as even the hdd/ssd are disconnected the problem still remains.

2A) It has the latest bios.

3) The error is the same number but different. Mine indicates the ntoskrnel.exe which has something to do with the ram according to Microsoft.

I tried both the media creationtool and rufus, with an iso i got from media creationtool AKA microsoft themselves.

still nothing.

I also contacted asus and they recreated a similar built with the same ram "15B". and they said it works. So mine should work too.

Also something that might be interesting to point out is that the usb shows 2 different version (i guess you can say).

1. UEFI: (usb name)

2. (usb name)

i don't understand why there are 2 of one usb? Do you know why?