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PC Processors

Asus ROG Crosshair Hero VII, Ryzen 2700x, Corsair Vengeance RGB (Pro) 3200 4x16GB Memtest86 failures.


Does anyone on this forum have experience with a system with the following setup?

Motherboard: Asus ROG Crosshair Hero VII (Wifi).
CPU : Ryzen 2700x.
RAM : Corsair Vengeance RGB 3200 4x16GB
          Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 3200 4x16GB
PSU = Corsair AX1600i 

Complete Build information here: 

I am consistently getting Memtest86 failures with some modules in the Corsair Vengeance RGB  3200 4x16GB kit
In that case one 16GB RAM module of four failed Memtest86 and I had to RMA the entire kit.

That kit was selected using Corsair RAM Selector for the motherboard. 

The replacement kit = Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 3200 4x16GB.

Corsair sent me the newer version (PRO) as the original kit is older and out of stock. The spec is 'identical' the changes are to the RAM style and the RGB's are individually addressable. 

In that case three of 4 RAM sticks failed Memtest86 and I have been asked to RMA the RAM back to Corsair again.  

I tested at default bios settings and clock speeds using ASUS original BIOS on the motherboard:

Version 08042018/07/208.11 MBytes


I also flashed the motherboard BIOS to the latest available BIOS: 

Version 1201
2019/01/048.44 MBytes

Memtest 86 Test results are the same. 

I have the following questions: 

1. Should I have to make changes to the Ram Timings in BIOS to help get this RAM to pass Memtest86?
2. Does anyone know if AMD X470 motherboards support a wide range of DDR4 RAM or is there only a small subset of RAM sticks that work with confidence in reality?
3. Is it possible to populate an X470 motherboard with 64GB at 3200 MHz?

4. What level of confidence can I have that Ram Manufacturers actually test their RAM to run with Ryzen 2700x on X470 motherboards at rated speed? 

In the first case where 1 of 4 sticks in a kit fail I could possibly put that down to bad luck. 
In second case with RMA replacement RAM where 3 of 4 modules fail Memtest86 this indicates to me a Quality Assurance issue or a lack of compatibility with X470 motherboards / lack of testing generally.   

Please note I tested the motherboard and system extensively. I tested working sticks pass in all RAM slots.
I tested failing sticks in primary RAM slot and various other RAM slots. 
I downloaded and cut two different Memtest86 USB sticks, just in case something was wrong with the Memtest86 installation / USB.    


1 Solution

I have managed to run the 3rd RMA set of Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 3200 4x16GB kit at 3200MHz and pass MemTest86.
Here is a shot of ASUS BIOS showing the CPU and Memory Frequency used: 

Here is a screenshot showing passing MemTest86 Tests 1 to 10 with a Single Pass. It also passes a 4 Pass Run including the Hammer Test 13.


Looking at the Ryzen Specifications:

AMD Ryzen™ 7 2700X

Base Clock
Max Boost Clock

2nd Gen Ryzen™ 7 2700X Desktop Processor | AMD 

I set up MemTest86 tests to run at the highest Max Boost Clock 4.3GHz

You need to be careful to have BIOS settings which will also pass MemTest86 at Base Clock 3.7GHz.


Lower Clock frequency would usually imply less noise and it would not be unreasonable to assume that passing MemTest86 at  Max Boost Clock 4.3GHz 

would mean you will also pass MemTest 86 at Base Clock 3.7GHz. This was not the case. When I dropped the clock multiplier in BIOS from 43 to 37 and I ran MemTest86 it failed with many Test 7 errors.This has serious implications for users of AISUITE  III within Windows 10 if a User were to drop the Clock Multiplier from within Windows 10 from 43 to 37 using the AISUITEIII TPU menu for example. The User could end up running at a CPU clock frequency which is in fact causing memory failures which could wreck their Windows 10 OS or at the very least cause BSOD's. I made further adjustments in the ASUS BIOS settings so that MemTest86 passes at both  Base Clock 3.7 GHz and 

Max Boost Clock 4.3GHz.

The MemTest86 screenshot above at 4326 MHz is actually using the adjusted settings which pass MemTest86 at both frequencies. 
I drop the Clock multiplier from 43 to 37 in BIOS, reboot and run MemTest86 again.
Here is a screenshot showing passing MemTest86 at 3.7GHz . Note this passes Test 13 Hammer test as well but that is not shown in this screenshot.

Adjusting BIOS settings to achieve the above was difficult. 

I am now able to report back to Corsair and ASUS to tell them that this 3rd RMA set of Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 3200 4x16GB kit can indeed run at it's rated speed of 3200MHz on Ryzen 2700x with Asus ROG Crosshair Hero VII (Wifi) motherboard and pass MemTest86 at Ryzen 2700x specified Base and Boost Clocks. 

I will supply the BIOS User Settings file to both ASUS and Corsair for their inspection. 

Corsair have told me they are unable to run Failure Analysis on the previous two RAM kits which failed MemTest86 with default ASUS BIOS settings and frequency when run at SPD 1.2 volt profile running at 2133MHz. 

I will continue to request that Corsair do something to fix their Ram Selector.

Hopefully AMD,  Asus, Corsair and other Ram manufacturers can work together to seriously improve memory compatibility and profiles for next generation Ryzen products. 

This RAM issue has cost me time and money to resolve. It has been difficult to debug and MemTest86 runtimes on Ryzen2700x are long.

I have opened a couple of separate posts related to this issue.

Thanks again to everyone who responded to this post and gave advice.

I now mark this as Correct Answer.

View solution in original post

60 Replies

Easiest solution is to buy a G.Skill Flare DDR4-3200 kit, it's guaranteed compatible with AMD Ryzen.

Thank you. I will consider going for G.Skill Flare DDR4-3200 kit.
I will check Asus Motherboard compatibility.
I will give Corsair one last chance chance to send me a working kit.
Thank you for your advice.

Just replace them with 2933Mhz, why bother with that little bandwith gain, if your using 64 GB of ram it will not matter anyhow, since this will only benifit just for a small amount for gaming or benchmarking and even than why risk unstability and a lesser lifespan of the CPU. 

I will consider reducing RAM speed if I really have to.
I purchased 4x16GB kit but I might not run the entire kit in 1 machine.
I am doing multiple AMD builds so I could use the kit for 4 of 16GB machines or 2 of 32 GB etc.
I benchmark games and run GPU tests regularly so thats why I picked that RAM speed grade for Ryzen 2700x.

Big Boss

colesdav, please post a screenshot of Ryzen Master (RM).  With four 16GB memory sticks in a dual channel machine, I suspect you now have a four (4) rank memory setup.  This means 4 chip loads on the memory bus making it even more difficult to run at 3200 MHz.  What speed are you actually running - use RM or CPU-Z to see?  I also suggest you get a copy on Thaiphoon Burner and post the report.  Please search for it because if I post a link it will delay my reply by minutes to days.  It will tell us what chips are used on the sticks and what XMP choices you have.  Ryzen and Samsung B-Dies seem to get on well.  Thanks and enjoy, John.

Thanks for replying.
I have been in discussion with Asus Customer Support and Corsair about this problem over the past two days.
I have support cases open with both Asus and Corsair about this.
I had to remiove and prepare the RMA return of the second RAM Kit (Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3200MHz 4 x 16GB) end yesterday and it was picked up early today.
I did not get a chance to prepare the Ryzen Master Data etc you requested but I will do so once I get the the RMA replacement set.

Just to clarify the situation.
I have been running Memtest 86 with default BIOS settings and Asus BIOS hardware monitor reports 2133MHz RAM frequency.
For the first kit I purchased using Corsair memory selector - Vengeance RGB 4x16GB 3200MHz Modules.
I tested each individual16GB stick in the Asus ROG Crosshair Hero VII (Wifi) Motherboard slot DIMM_A2 as shown below in the motherboard manual.


Three of the four 16GB sticks passed Memtest 86 without any problem at default BIOS Setiings.
The fourth stick failed when tested with Memtest86 in DIMM_A2 with 3 Test 8 Errors [Random number sequence]

I was able to pass Memtest 86 with the remaining 3 Ram Sticks (48GB) occupying:

It simply looked like I had a single failing RAM Stick running the ASUS motherboard + Ryzen 2700x + DRAM at default BIOS settings.

I requested if Corsair could simply replace 1 of the sticks by sending me a replacement stick as close as possible to the RAM used in the kit.

Unfortunately that is not possible. I had to RMA the entire kit.

The replacement kit was a set of Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3200MHz 4 x 16GB - (note Pro which is a newer version of the kit I had, same spec, better individually addressable RGB lighting control,.

In that case 3 of the four sticks failed Memtest86 tested at default ASUS Motherboard BIOS settings.
I had to run multiple Memtest86 results again and report those to Corsair to get the second RMA approved.

So as far as I understand it I have not been pushing the RAM frequencies at all, and yet the memory is failing Memtest86.

Again I thank you for your help and suggestions so far.
If you think I am doing something wrong in testing so far please let me know. This is my first AMD PC build in years so I may be missing something.
I will report more data when I receive the new RAM Modules.
I may have just been unlucky and been hit with two bad batches of RAM in a row.



correction (46GB) should read (48GB)...


I learned that the hard way also concerning Corsair Ram Memory. I had purchased a kit of 4 x 4 gbyte Ram Modules. Worked great for several years until one of the RAM module went south. I opened a RMA and was told I needed to send in all 4 RAM modules and not the defective one after I already sent in to them the defective module by itself. They refused to send me a replacement one saying they cant guarantee compatibility. So I just ended up going to Corsair and buying the exact same RAM Memory as a single unit rather than a kit. So far everything works fine without any memory issues. 

NOTE: The reason why I didn't want to send in all the RAM was because I could have been without use of a computer for more than two weeks or longer. Which is something I couldn't afford since at the time my wife didn't have a computer yet.


This issue has very definitely cost me time and effort, and obviously when I I spend time discussing RMA's or running multiple Memtest86 runs I am not able to do other productive work.
If this next Corsair Ram Kit arrives and all four sticks will not pass Memtest86 in the motherboard then I will ask for a refund and try other brands.
I will not be accepting any faulty memory from Corsair and spending more on another stick of Corsair RAM in the hope that it might work.



my thoughts:

1) The 2700x is picky about ram - check the QVL (brand) and ask the dealer for compatibles

2) I never considered Corsair as a quality brand - reading their forums.. they do have plenty of bad quality issues!

other than that - who needs 4 banks ram? seriously? for what? I prefer 2 banks over 4 anytime means 2 banks less problems/trouble! Why complicated when you can have an easier life?!



(1). The first set of RAM I purchased was selected for the motherboard and processor using Corsair's own RAM selector.
I am and was aware of the Memory QVL list for the Asus Motherboard at the time of purchase. There was no 3200 MHz 16GB sticks on the list.
Asus customer support stated that the QVL is only a list of RAM that was tested at the date of the document, and the fact that the RAM is not on the list does not mean it does not work.

(2). I use Corsair for pretty much every PC component or peripheral I own. This is my first Corsair RAM. It is difficult for me to know what the real quality of Corsair products is unless I know the real failure rates and RMA numbers / percentages.

(3). RE: other than that - who needs 4 banks ram? seriously? for what?
There are 4 slots on AMD Ryzen motherboards so someone must need them for something.
In my case Blender, Asus Ram Cache II, Ram Disk, RX Vega 64 Liquid HBCC needs RAM. Other reasons.    
Purchasing 1 kit of 4 was cheaper than 2 kits of 2.
If I want all four sticks to work together then I need a kit of four.
It should give me the option of running 2 of 16GB on two machines or 1 of 16GB on four if I need to.

Note 3 sticks of 16GB run fine on the first kit I had, they passed Memtest 86 when used all at once to give 48GB .
I was able to run some blender and compute jobs which were using the RAM.

So far this post is about simply trying to get a RAM kit where each of the 4 memory sticks pass Memtest86 individually when run at 2133MHz RAM frequency.



colesdav, I have seen Threadrippers run with 112GB but not 128GB (7 sticks but not 8).  I think completely filling the memory slots is going to be a little challenging.  You may well need to run at slower than 3200 MHz.  Do you know what chips are used on your sticks?  Ryzen seems to get along best with Samsung B-Dies.  Please run Thaiphoon Burner to see the chips and XMP profiles available.  I have used lots of memory brands over the years including Corsair.  Once I went to G.Skill, I have not tried any other brand.  For Ryzen they have Flare X (for AMD).  Noodles59 is correct, but since the later AGESA releases for AMD, Ryzen is much more forgiving about memory.  So, please make sure you are running the latest BIOS with the latest AGESA.  CPU-Z will tell you the version you are running.


I have no RAM to test yet. I have not received the 2nd RMA set yet. The machine is down at the moment. I can test and run nothing on it.

I am running the most up to date BIOS on the best ROG motherboard for Ryzen Gen 2. The CPU is Ryzen 2700x so I assume this is the best RAM support I can get (i.e. later AGESA releases for AMD, Ryzen is much more forgiving about memory).

I understand that running 4 sticks at 3200MHz and passing Memtest86 may well be difficult.

The PC with 1 single 16GB stick in the motherboard is failing Memtest 86 at 2133MHz RAM frequency on 50% of the sticks in the RAM kits I have received so far.
1/4 on first kit (25%) failed Memtest86 at 2133MHz.

3/4 on second kit (75%) failed Memtest86 at 2133MHz.

Thanks again for your help. When I get the new RMA RAM I will update this post with the results.



Thanks, colesdav.  Hope all turns out well.  Enjoy, John.

Thanks again.

I have no update from Corsair regarding when the 2nd set will arrive. 
I have pointed both Corsair and Asus Technical Support to this thread, so any advice you give should help debug this.
It could be I need to adjust RAM timings or voltages just to get passing Memtest86 at low frequency. 
There might be a power supply noise issue. 
I may have just been unlucky and received two sets of bad RAM in a row.  
I am trying to get ASUS and Corsair to work together to test the failed ram I had and on their own modules on the same Asus motherboard with a Ryzen 2700x and see if they can work out what the problem is.  

Rather than just throw in the towel and request a refund I have told them I am prepared to help in any way I can so other AMD Ryzen 2700x users with ROG Crosshair VII (WIFI) do not go through these same Corsair RAM issues. 

Bye for now.  


Thanks, colesdav.  I think the XMP profile should set the memory voltage, but may not set the SOC voltage.  You may want to raise it a little - very little, maybe 0.1 Volt.  Enjoy, John.


Hi misterj 

RE: Please run Thaiphoon Burner to see the chips and XMP profiles available.

Here is the report you requested.

Manufacturing Description
Module Manufacturer:Corsair
Module Part Number:CMW64GX4M4C3200C16
Module Series:Vengeance RGB PRO
DRAM Manufacturer:Samsung
DRAM Components:K4A8G085WB-BCPB
DRAM Die Revision / Process Node:B / 20 nm
Module Manufacturing Date:Undefined
Module Manufacturing Location:Taiwan
Module Serial Number:00000000h
Module PCB Revision:00h
Physical & Logical Attributes
Fundamental Memory Class:DDR4 SDRAM
Module Speed Grade:DDR4-2133P downbin
Base Module Type:UDIMM (133.35 mm)
Module Capacity:16384 MB
Reference Raw Card:B0 (8 layers)
JEDEC Raw Card Designer:Micron Technology
Module Nominal Height:31 < H <= 32 mm
Module Thickness Maximum, Front:1 < T <= 2 mm
Module Thickness Maximum, Back:1 < T <= 2 mm
Number of DIMM Ranks:2
Address Mapping from Edge Connector to DRAM:Mirrored
DRAM Device Package:Standard Monolithic
DRAM Device Package Type:78-ball FBGA
DRAM Device Die Count:Single die
Signal Loading:Not specified
Number of Column Addresses:10 bits
Number of Row Addresses:16 bits
Number of Bank Addresses:2 bits (4 banks)
Bank Group Addressing:2 bits (4 groups)
DRAM Device Width:8 bits
Programmed DRAM Density:8 Gb
Calculated DRAM Density:8 Gb
Number of DRAM components:16
DRAM Page Size:1 KB
Primary Memory Bus Width:64 bits
Memory Bus Width Extension:0 bits
DRAM Post Package Repair:Not supported
Soft Post Package Repair:Not supported
DRAM Timing Parameters
Fine Timebase:0.001 ns
Medium Timebase:0.125 ns
CAS Latencies Supported:7T, 8T, 9T, 10T,
11T, 12T, 13T, 14T,
15T, 16T, 17T, 18T, 19T, 20T, 21T, 22T, 23T, 24T
Minimum Clock Cycle Time (tCK min):0.938 ns (1066.10 MHz)
Maximum Clock Cycle Time (tCK max):1.500 ns (666.67 MHz)
CAS# Latency Time (tAA min):13.500 ns
RAS# to CAS# Delay Time (tRCD min):13.500 ns
Row Precharge Delay Time (tRP min):13.500 ns
Active to Precharge Delay Time (tRAS min):33.000 ns
Act to Act/Refresh Delay Time (tRC min):46.500 ns
Normal Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC1 min):350.000 ns
2x mode Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC2 min):260.000 ns
4x mode Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC4 min):160.000 ns
Short Row Active to Row Active Delay (tRRD_S min):3.700 ns
Long Row Active to Row Active Delay (tRRD_L min):5.300 ns
Long CAS to CAS Delay Time (tCCD_L min):5.356 ns
Four Active Windows Delay (tFAW min):21.000 ns
Maximum Active Window (tMAW):8192*tREFI
Maximum Activate Count (MAC):Unlimited MAC
DRAM VDD 1.20 V operable/endurant:Yes/Yes
Thermal Parameters
Module Thermal Sensor:Incorporated
SPD Protocol
SPD Revision:1.0
SPD Bytes Total:512
SPD Bytes Used:384
SPD Checksum (Bytes 00h-7Dh):491Ch (OK)
SPD Checksum (Bytes 80h-FDh):27DEh (OK)
Part number details
JEDEC DIMM Label:16GB 2Rx8 PC4-2133P-UB0-10
1067 MHz241515365046623
1067 MHz231515365046623
1067 MHz221515365046623
1067 MHz211515365046623
1067 MHz201515365046623
1067 MHz191515365046623
1067 MHz181515365046623
1067 MHz171515365046623
1067 MHz161515365046623
1067 MHz151515365046623
933 MHz141313314445520
933 MHz131313314445520
800 MHz121111273835517
800 MHz111111273835517
667 MHz1099223134414
667 MHz999223134414
667 MHz899223134414
667 MHz799223134414
Intel Extreme Memory Profiles
Profiles Revision: 2.0
Profile 1 (Certified) Enables: Yes
Profile 2 (Extreme) Enables: No
Profile 1 Channel Config: 2 DIMM/channel
XMP ParameterProfile 1Profile 2
Speed Grade:DDR4-3200N/A
DRAM Clock Frequency:1600 MHzN/A
Module VDD Voltage Level:1.35 VN/A
Minimum DRAM Cycle Time (tCK):0.625 nsN/A
CAS Latencies Supported:24T,23T,22T,21T,
CAS Latency Time (tAA):16TN/A
RAS# to CAS# Delay Time (tRCD):18TN/A
Row Precharge Delay Time (tRP):18TN/A
Active to Precharge Delay Time (tRAS):36TN/A
Active to Active/Refresh Delay Time (tRC):54TN/A
Four Activate Window Delay Time (tFAW):36TN/A
Short Activate to Activate Delay Time (tRRD_S):6TN/A
Long Activate to Activate Delay Time (tRRD_L):9TN/A
Normal Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC1):559TN/A
2x mode Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC2):415TN/A
4x mode Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFC4):255TN/A



Some thoughts / calculations and information on comparing Corsair Vengeance RGb Pro 3200MHz versus 2666MHz 4x16GB memory kits below:

Fan Included No
Memory Type DDR4
Memory Size 64GB Kit (4 x 16GB)
Tested Latency 16-18-18-36
Tested Voltage 1.35V
Tested Speed 3200MHz
Memory Color BLACK
LED Lighting RGB
Single Zone / Multi-Zone Lighting Individually Addressable
SPD Latency 15-15-15-36
SPD Speed 2133MHz
SPD Voltage 1.2V
Speed Rating PC4-25600 (3200MHz)
Compatibility Intel 100 Series,Intel 200 Series,Intel 300 Series,Intel X299
Heat Spreader Anodized Aluminum
Package Memory Format DIMM
Performance Profile XMP 2.0
Package Memory Pin 288

Some Numbers then:

Refer to:

Standard    Memory    I/O bus Data    Module        Peak Transfer Rate    Timings        Cas Latency     
name        clock    clock        name        (MT/s)            CL-trCD-tRP    (nS)
        (MHz)    (MHz)

DDR4-3200AA    400     1600     3200     PC4-25600     25600             20-20-20    12.5
DDR4-3200AC                                     22-22-22    13.75
                                        24-24-24     15
 The above Corsair Numbers are:
"Tested"  1.35V
        400     1600     3200     PC4-25600      25600            16-18-18-36    10nS
"SPD"     1.2V
        266.67     1066.67 2133.33 PC4-17000     17066.67      15-15-15-36    14.06 nS

SPD is basically fail safe settings that the RAM will work at if you don't manually load a profile or manually set the RAM up ram timings yourself in BIOS.

I ran MemTest86 at SPD settings.  2133MHz 1.2 Volts.
It should have worked.

Also note the following data for the other Corsair RAM which does say it is supposed to support AMD 400 series motherboards:

Fan Included
Memory Series
Memory Type
Memory Size
64GB Kit (4 x 16GB)
Tested Latency
Tested Voltage
Tested Speed
Memory Color
LED Lighting
Single Zone / Multi-Zone Lighting
Individually Addressable
SPD Latency
SPD Speed
SPD Voltage
Speed Rating
PC4-21300 (2666MHz)
Intel 100 Series,Intel 200 Series,Intel 300 Series,Intel X99,Intel X299,AMD 400 Series,AMD 300 Series
Heat Spreader
Anodized Aluminum
Package Memory Format
Performance Profile
XMP 2.0
Package Memory Pin
 The above Corsair Numbers are:
"Tested"  1.20V
        333.33     1333.33 2666.67 PC4-21333     21333.33        16-18-18-35    12nS

"SPD"     1.2V
        266.67     1066.67 2133.33 PC4-17000     17066.67        15-15-15-36    14.06 nS    

DDR4 parameters

First Number  = CL   = CAS Latency = Column Access Strobe Latency. = Time taken for Ram module to respond to a request for data.
Second Number = trCD = Row address to column address delay.
Third number  = tRP  = Row Precharge Time = time to access a new row address.  
Fourth number = tRAS = Row Active Time = MINIMUM amount of time the row must stay open to ensure the row is read properly.

This video is useful:

It looks like the  Default "SPD" timings are both 2133MHz on both versions of Corsair Vengeance Pro 3200 and 2666 RAM Specs and they have the same SPD timing (15-15-15-36 ) and voltage (1.2 Volts) specification.
Since my Memtest86 tested were run at default SPD speed (2133MHz) then this indicates the Corsair Vengeance Pro 3200MHz memory should pass if the Corsair Vengeance Pro 2666MHz memory passes.
Unless ...
There are internal chip differences in the Ram Sticks and they are not simply binned out to different speeds. 


I need to format and add some explanation to the above post. It is there to share information with Asus and Corsair.


Asus Technical Support have offered to submit a request to test the Corsair Vengeance Pro RGB 3200/3000/2666 MHz RAM on the same hardware setup as I have used and see if they can determine if the RAM should work with the motherboard or if there is a reason why it will not.

Corsair have just sent me notice that another RAM kit is being delivered to me. I do not know which version of kit it is. I assume it is another Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3200MHz 4x16GB kit as I have no responses to the technical information and questions  I requested w.r.t the differences between their Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3200MHz 4x16GB kit (which makes no claim to support AMD 400 series motherboards on the web page) and their Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 2666MHz 4x16GB kit (which does claim to support AMD 400 series motherboards on the web page).

I will ask again for answers regarding the result of Corsair failure analysis on:

1. The original  Corsair Vengeance RGB 3200MHz 4x16GB kit I purchased based on Corsair Memory Selector, where 1 16GB stick fails to pass Memtest86 run at default SPD speed (2133MHz) SPD timing (15-15-15-36 ) and voltage (1.2 Volts) specification.

2. The RMA     Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3200MHz 4x16GB kit where 3 16GB sticks fails to pass Memtest86 run at default SPD speed (2133MHz) SPD timing (15-15-15-36 ) and voltage (1.2 Volts) specification.

I will update this page with more information when and if I get more answers from Corsair w.r.t which Memory Kit they will be sending me as RMA replacement number 2.


colesdav, I am curious where we find these 400 series MBs?  Thanks and enjoy, John.


I do not know which motherboards Corsair tested exactly. 
I guess I should have written  AMD 400 series chipset motherboards such as Socket AM4 X470 / B450 motherboards.



Thanks, colesdav.  I was thinking X499.  Enjoy, John.


RE: I will update this page with more information when and if I get more answers from Corsair w.r.t which Memory Kit they will be sending me as RMA replacement number 2.

RMA Replacement kit 2 is another Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3200MHz 4x16GB kit.

It arrived 15 hours ago. I immediately installed all 4 sticks. I have been running the first Memtest 86 for the past 13 hours and 40 minutes  at at default SPD speed (2133MHz) SPD timing (15-15-15-36 ) and voltage (1.2 Volts) specification.

I will update the  Memtest 86 information and testing results summary as soon as I can. 


colesdav, good results?  How does it do at 3200 MHz?  Thanks and enjoy, John.



I have been able to pass 2 separate  Memtest86 tests at  2133 MHz and 3000 MHz with all four sticks in place. 
That is much better than I have been able to manage with either of the previous two RAM kits.  
I have been able to get the PC to boot and run at 3150 MHz. I am running Memtest86 at that speed with all four sticks in place.
The PC will not boot at 3200 MHz, which is only 50 MHz below the tested speed of the RAM.

There was no point in looking to gain an extra 50MHz if the test at 3150 MHz fails.

I might have to adjust RAM timings a little or modify voltage in BIOS but before I spend any more time on this I just want to see if it can pass or fail at 3150MHz. 

I need to do more testing before I can give a definitive answer on this RAM kit I have. I need to run the tests at different CPU load conditions. 
Each Memtest86 run is taking 14.5 hours with a full 64GB kit so it will be days before I am confident that there are no issues. 

I am still waiting for Corsair response to a number of technical questions I have. 
I have asked them to run failure analysis on the previous two kits that had to be returned.
ASUS have offered to request QVL testing for the same setup. 




Memtest86 test at passed at 3150 MHz with with all four 16GB sticks of Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3200MHz 4x16GB kit installed on the motherboard.

I tried further testing on the motherboard BIOS settings in an attempt to push the DRAM frequency to 3200MHz and see if i can pass Memtest86 as follows.

(A). Just increasing DDR4 frequency to 3200MHz in BIOS saving to a new profile, loading from that profile and attempt to reboot into the PC fails. 
The memory frequency settings get reset to default due to failure to boot.

(B). If I increase VDDSOC
I increased VDDSOC by 0.1 volt as advised by misterj (thanks) and based on other discussions on overclocking forums.
Doing that allows the PC to boot up with DDR4 frequency set to 3200MHz.
However when I run Memtest86 at this speed it fails early on in the test.
I have stopped testing at this point for today as i am kicking off some more Memtest86 runs at 3150 MHz with different BIOS settings for DIGI+ Power Control.

I will be making my BIOS settings available to both Corsair and ASUS via support case once I am happy with the settings I have.


WoW, what a wrestle to get Corsair running and it's not even 3200?!

Kingston Predator ram is running 3200 (1600Mhz) here just fine on my 2700x


How much RAM though?


2x8GB here but think 4x16 would not change ram reliability



(1). I have no evidence that there was anything wrong with the two sets of Corsair RAM that had to be returned other than the fact they would not work with the Asus ROG Crosshair VII (Wifi) Motherboard and the Ryzen 2700x processor that I have.

(2). The two sets of Corsair RAM kit that had to be returned may actually be o.k. and work fine on an Intel motherboard. 

(3). I have been told that having to order multiple kits before I get one where each stick in the kit work with Ryzen 2700X and AMD X470 Chipset is not that unusual.

(4).  Driving 4x16GB is much more load to drive than 2x8GB, Reliability in terms of passing Memtest86 will depend on how much current is drawn which results in electrical noise which results in increased likelihood of memory test failure.

AMD, RAM suppliers and Motherboard suppliers need to work together to make it easier for consumer to get these Ryzen based systems working.

 RE: "what a wrestle" 
That is an understatement.
I have built many Intel systems, and I have only once had RAM issues, on my first Haswell based build.1 4x8GB kit had to be replaced because of Memtest86 failure. The RMA replacement kit worked fine. XMP profiles worked fine in both kits and I had no problems with booting the PC if I tried to run the RAM at it's rated speed.

This is my first AMD Ryzen build and I picked the best spec components I could. find.
This is a very simple build with few components on the PC.
I am not keen to do another after this.


..and what u need 4x16GB ram for? I guess most of it will be "stuck n rust" hence never be utilized. I once had 24GB but never got over 16GB.


I know what I need 64GB for and it will get used.


I have just been contacted by Corsair via support ticket update..

They are unable to do any failure analysis on the first two RMA'd RAM kits.
Therefore I do not know if the RAM was genuinely bad RAM when tested on an intel motherboard or if it simply would not work on the ASUS ROG Crosshair VII HERO (WI-FI) Motherboard I have.

I have asked Corsair to make improvements to their Corsair Memory Selector as right now the AMD filter still allows selection of RAM which is not supported on AMD 400 series motherboards according to the Corsair Technical Specififcations. 

I continue to test the latest Corsair KIt.

I will contact ASUS technical support next.


Started testing attempts to hit 3200 Mhz on the 32GB DRAM kit. 
Looking at changing the following.
BCLK set to 100.
Memory Timing Parameters.

DRAM voltage increase from baseline 1.2 Volts.
Will update post with more results as soon as possible.


I set the following Ram Timings, Misc Items, Termination Block Ohms, CAD_BUS Block Ohms, and DRAM Voltage set to 1.35 volts, SOC voltage varied down from 1.2, 1.15, 1.10, 1.05, 1.0 and back up to 1.03125. I also looked at setting Termination Block Ohms and CAD_BUS Block Ohms to Alt1 values.
I discuss the results next.


Specification for Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 3200 4x16GB Kit shows it was tested at 3200 MHz speed at 1.35 Volts.
Asus automatic overclocking in BIOS had kept DRAM  voltage to 1.2 Volts at all Memtest86 passing frequencies up to and including 3150 MHz.
As noted earlier, Asus automatic overclocking in BIOS fails to boot with DRAM frequency target of 3200 MHz unless I increased the SOC voltage.
I note that even then, it still applied DRAM Voltage of 1.2 Volts, and the DRAM timings looked wrong. It failed MemTest86 with a large number of errors.
I decided to only test the DRAM at 3200 MHz using DRAM voltage at 1.35 Volts. That voltage is also suggested by the above DRAM Calculator for Ryzen.


I looked at effect on number of MemTest86 errors with variation of the SOC Voltage from 1.2 ->1.15 -> 1.10->1.05 -> 1.0 volts.
The number of Memtest86 errors (Failing Test 6 and Test 7) decreases as the SOC Voltage is decrease from 1.2 -> 1.05 volts.
Then the Number of errors increase again at 1.0 volts.
The minimum number of errors was found at 1.03125 Volts.