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PC Processors

Adept I

Asrock AB350 Bios

Hey all!,

I purchased an ASrock ab350 pro about a year ago and have yet to install it, I will be purchasing a ryzen 5 2400G in the very near future to get my rig up and going. I have heard that I would need to get an older chip to do an update to the BIOS of the Asrock before the Ryzen 5 will work. Is this true??

Thanks for your help!

7 Replies

Check to see if your motherboard has BIOS version 4.60 which gives support to the Ryzen 5 2400G APU. ASRock > AB350 Pro4 

If you bought your Motherboard after it was manufactured on or after 01/26/2018, then it should have the correct BIOS Version to support your Ryzen APU.


Is there a way to check the BIOS of a motherboard that has never been used before?


I would contact ASRock Support and send in your Motherboard's Serial Number to them. With that they should be able to advice you when it was manufactured and maybe even which BIOS Version it has installed.

Might as well wait tell you get your CPU to see if it boots. I believe AMD Warranty Request needs the CPU information to provide a BOOT KIT.

If it boots, then you are good to go, if it doesn't then open a AMD WARRANTY REQUEST to see if you qualify for a AMD BOOT KIT.

I just went on their page for support, and they have a way that you can see what the defaul bios is without needing to turn it on. Apparently its marked on the MB somewhere. So when I get home, I will check to see what the default BIOS is. Fingers crossed it has 4.6!

Thanks for your help!

This may be standard for all MoBos, If you find it will you post it for others Users to be able to determine what BIOS is installed before purchasing or after.


I think I found it. I will post a picture of it. Looks like it’s a 4.4 and not a 4.6. Noooo

what bad luck, if true,  BIOS version 4.40 came out on 1/10/2018 while BIOS Version 4.60 came out on 1/26/2018.

Once you get the new Ryzen APU, Open a AMD WARRANTY REQUEST for a BOOT Kit.

If someone can loan you a CPU/APU that is compatible with your BIOS Version (4.40) and Motherboard Socket, you can update the BIOS using the other CPU/APU temporarily.

See if the Retailer (if Brick & Mortar store) can upgrade the BIOS for you or see how much a computer Technician will charge for updating the BIOS. AMD BOOT KIT is free but can take a while before you receive it in the mail.

Man, Sorry for the major snag. But at least it is easily fixed.