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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Amd Ryzen 3 2200g and 3400g doesnt boot i have an asrock ab350mpro4 bios 5.9 and my a6 works

Pc Specs:

-CPU A6 9500

-MB Ab350M Pro4 BIOS 5.9

-PSU EVGA 650G 80+ Gold

-Ram XPG Z1 2400Mhz

i dont know what is wrong my a6 works well and both ryzen didnt boot

4 Replies

according to BIOS version 5.90 you must first update the Motherboard's CHIPSET BEFORE UPDATING THE BIOS:ASRock > AB350M Pro4 

This earlier BIOS Version states you must first update the CHIPSET for the Raven Ridge Processors (2200g)

This is the latest ASRock CHIPSET for your motherboard: ASRock > AB350M Pro4 


i did it before but i will try install it again


it doesnt work i dont know if my xpg z1 2400 is not compatible with my ryzen 2200g but it is with my a6


Is your RAM Memory listed on the motherboard's QVL List for the 2200g & 3400g? ASRock > AB350M Pro4 

See if it boots up with just One Stick of RAM installed.

When you have the Raven Ridge Processors installed, does the Motherboard give any type of Trouble code/LED or BEEPS to indicate what hardware is having problems?

EDIT: Ryzen processors are sensitive to the type of RAM Memory that is installed. That is why it is best to purchase RAM from the QVL List to prevent incompatibilities from occurring.

If your RAM is not listed on the QVL list is because of two reasons:

1- The Manufacturer tested the RAM and found it incompatible for the Motherboard and Ryzen thus it was not listed.

2- The Manufacturer DIDN'T test the RAM Module thus it was not listed.

Here is AMD RAM MEMORY list that they say works with Ryzen Processors: