Hello guys,
My pc specifications:
5900x processor,
msi tomahawk x570 wifi motherboard,
32 GB gskill ram 3200mhz
RTX 2060
cooler master 240mm cooler.
it's been 4 years since I built this Pc, and I have recently encountered overheating issues at idle (50 C - 60 C) while surfing YouTube the temperature has been at 75C - 80C constantly sometimes the PC has lagged. My PC is currently running at 1.45V. I don't know how to solve this issue. My C23 multicore benchmark is at 20123. I tried undervolting from msi Dargon center which helped me reduce the temperature by -10C while YouTube surfing but greatly impacted the performance (c23 benchmark score 15000). I'm a bit concerned, kindly somebody help me out (I don't know much about BIOS settings) I would be grateful if somebody could help me out.temperature by ryzen master
Rather than attempt to "fix" the processor, it sounds like you may need to fix the cooler.
4 years without maintenance is a respectable run for an AIO if that is what "cooler master 240mm cooler" you have. May be time to add/replace coolant or disassemble the system for cleaning, or simply buy a new cooler.
I would start with cleaning the CPU header and CPU cooler head with isopropyl alcohol and then applying new thermal paste to see if that improves the cooling. If that doesn't do much, then I would probably replace the CPU cooler.
Yes, I tried cleaning and re-applied thermal paste, but the issue hasn't been resolved. I'm sure my cooler works perfectly alright. How about undervolting?
Something is wrong with your CPU cooler. You should not need to under-volt the CPU, which could lead to stability issues. You cannot tell if coolant is flowing through the tubes in most AIO CPU coolers. It's possible the pump head has failed and it's not moving the coolant. Do you feel warm air coming off the radiator when the computer is running? If not, I suspect a failed CPU cooler.
The temperature is constantly changing, 50-75C. I can feel the air, which is not warm but cool off the radiator (I checked while the temperature was at 50 C). Are you still recommending changing the cooler?
The reason for radiator being cool is that the heat from cpu was not transferred to liquid, because there is no liquid or not enough to transfer to, or the pump is not cycling fluid then flowing into the radiator.
When you check radiator temp, you need to give it a minute under stress. It sounds like simply watching youtube is enough to drive temp to 80c. So if you watch a video for a minute with temp at 80c, and it is still cool, then yea that is bad. I am not sure how efficient the transfer of heat is in these things, but I assume that the radiator would be trying to cool water that is at least 50C and the radiator temp should reflect that.
Yes, I tried cleaning and re-applied thermal paste, but the issue hasn't been resolved. I'm sure my cooler works perfectly alright. How about undervolting?
@Dnr_here wrote:I'm sure my cooler works perfectly alright. How about undervolting?
You're "sure" how? Why else would a CPU that operated flawlessly for 4 years suddenly start overheating?
4 years is beyond the warranty of many AIO and not uncommon to need coolant replaced or need topped off because coolant is low, or have buildup form in the fin structure, or as @BigAl01 says, the pump simply dies. Have you noticed any strange noises, gurgling or liquid sounds, high pitched buzzing or high temp on the block? Are you still getting a RPM reading from the pump?
If you still want to attack the symptom, you could use Curve Optimizer to reduce the voltage curve, which will require some trial and error just like any other manual tuning. Or you can simply use ECO mode and set a lower TDP such as 65W.
Actually, the temperature is not stable; it's been changing somewhat constantly between 50 and 75 C. And to answer your question, yes, the rpm reading from the pump still works.
I don't know how to do them, I feel bad because of my ignorance.
The pump could be working sometimes and not other times. You could be low on coolant, resulting in bubbles that impede the flow of coolant. I certainly would replace the CPU cooler at this point.
I agree that it is most likely the cooler if you have reapplied thermal paste. Looks like the warranty is 2 years on cooler, maybe a 3 or 5 (Pro models) year warranty depending on model.