After seeing the positivity and innovation surrounding Zen 3, I decided to purchase a 5900X. I've found the performance astonishingly good (especially with AVX2 workloads), however, there's a question I can't get a clear answer to, and when I do receive an answer, it's contradictory (i.e. my AMD hardware contradicts AMD's statements).
I've added space between the bullet points because it looked like a wall of text. Please note, a VID of 1.55000V often sees a Vcore of 1.55000V reported (VDDCR). I am generally not concerned by VID values so long as the delivered voltage stays within specification.
This leaves me regretting going with AMD again, as while 1.55V+ might be fine for 'bursty' workloads every day in the view of AMD, the three year warranty isn't very reassuring.
A final note, I returned to AMD after leaving due to poor software and technical support in 2009 (and moved over 1,800 SME devices to Intel systems because of my personal experience). It seems support has greatly improved, but AMD's hardware shouldn't be contradicting AMD's statements.
Try a different make/model mobo if you think the CPU is getting too much voltage. Mobo manufacturers often push certain parameters beyond what is recommended even with all 'default' settings.
That's entirely the opposite of the point.
I believe I've found a driver fix to the problem (which is possibly caused by a fault with AMD's Chipset drivers). Since applying it 4 weeks ago, effective VID has stayed at 1.50000V, as is the case with what appears to be the majority of chips. I've left it this long to reply in order to test whether the fix has worked.
A reply from AMD staff would be appreciated, but seems unlikely.