Non Functional System Setup
CPU: Ryzen 7 5700X
Mobo: AsRock x570 Pro4 (Running BIOS P3.40 from factory)
Attempted 3 RAM Configs:
- G.Skill TridetZ F4-3600C17-16GTZ in A2/B2
- G.Skill TridetZ F4-3600C17-16GTZ using 1 Stick in A2
- Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2A2400C16 using 1 Stick in A2
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1070 (not sure but it's probably the G1 Rev 1)
PSU: Seasonic Focus Gold 550 FM
System won't post. Dyagnostic lights for CPU and DRAM remain on. All fans and lights work.
I have achieved a boot into bios and windows using a ryzen 5 2600, using full system setup, and not just the bearbone setup. This configuration was used to verify Bios version.