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PC Graphics

Adept III

Weird issue with crashing apex legends

Hey all!! I hope by coming here I can have different perspectives so I can have this issue fixed but start, this hasn’t happened on apex before and started recently. Basically, I’ll be playing apex for like 15ish minutes and then I’m brought upon an error code and it’ll crash my game but this crash will either black screen my monitors and then go back to normal to reveal the error code or it’ll make my screens go wild. I have proof with the video embedded in the post and the error code is 0x887a0006: DXGI ERROR DEVICE HUNG. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!


For some reason the video won't be processed, so i'll just send a picture of what my screen looks like when I say, it goes "wild". 

I also want it to be clear that I made sure I cleaned the inside of my computer including my cpu and gpu just to make sure it wasn't an overheating or dust problem. Safe to say I managed to get a lot of dust out of both gpu and cpu. I haven't tried since but I still would like to know why an issue like this would happen and how to fix it. 




357 Replies

Okay I will definitely keep this in mind, and let me know within the next few days if you crash. Thank you for the information!!!


I have found that if ( for some reason) you disable xmp you dont get the hard screen crash, but at a reduction in preformance. Im losing my mind trying to fix this. It has been over a month. I tried disabing hardware acceleration on all apps, even steam and thought I had it fixed and was ready to come here to tell you all I had the answer...3 hours in with XMP enabled and hardware acceleration I had the hard screen crash and had to restart PC. I am going to test Direct Play as @xtreeem recommended and will report back here if I crash again and to give an update.

Mine was already ticked for those two folder


Mine was not, but this didn’t fix it either. Nothing we do will fix it sadly. We either need a miracle driver update or Respawn to actually take notice and fix this. Just crashed again in the middle of a game out of nowhere. I don’t know what more to do.. 

Thanks for the feedback.

I again managed to have a day without a crash yesterday - yeey...only that probably means that today fun will end 😄

Yup sure enough got crash in my 3rd game of today 😞

I know man it sucks…you think you find a solution just for in the middle of slaying an entire lobby my game crashes. It’s depressing to know that nobody who can fix this cares about us.  Just keep this forum up to date and hopefully someone will see it…

So for now I’m done with apex. I’m gonna download the warzone update and try to play that and hate my life even more bc that game is…pfft we all know. That’s why we play apex 🤣

Yeah it really is unfortunate that due to the prioritization of the many other things apex has problems with, this isn't being focused immediately. I heard apparently there is a patch coming out on Sep 6th to address the other issues going on in the game, so maybe they will shadow fix this with this update? 

I highly doubt it considering there have been a few updates since this started, but it’s good to remain optimistic. Really sucks though and yeah there’s so many other problems. Like horizons Q literally works half the time lmfao. What a joke. And you know there has to be less tech savvy people that are being hit with this that haven’t found themselves here yet, or may never. 

This did nothing

Thank you ! It worked for me for 3 hours straight with opened 3 chrome tabs and discord call. I didn't try recording, but I will tomorrow. I am with 5600 xt btw.


It doesn’t work. It’ll crash eventually. 


Yup, it crashed today. I am checking for 2070 second hand in a local market, but first I have to find someone to take the 5600.


I will try that and comment later if i have a crash or not.
I have that option unticked.

Adept III

Nice, today again a day with crashes only now game "bricks" PC and everything just goes unresponsive -> only hard power off is possible.

Another day with AMD+Apex 🙂

Yeah this ish is getting OLD real quick. We are now in the SECOND month of this and nobody is doing a **bleep** thing. I wonder if anybody will ever take notice of this? Doubt it. What a joke. 

A thing I don't like is that at first I was just kicked out to Desktop with DX error message appearing and Radeon software crashing.

Then I started to get those artifact screens in 50% of cases (approx) and solution was to put PC into sleep and wake up that solved the issue without restarting or shutting down.

Then Radeon software did not crash and instead poped-up report bug/error interface and seemingly artifacts did go away.

But now it has gotten the worst where it "bricks" the system and I have to power off which is said to be never a good idea. Not to mention that this now takes much much longer to get back into a game so every crash is basically forfeit in Apex 😞

And all this happening seeming "on its own" ... weird.

Adept II

This just feels unacceptable between AMD and Respawn not to figure this out. Guess we're being pushed to nVidia's waiting arms. 

Yeah it’s pretty pathetic how it’s been over a month with absolutely no communication from either side. We are left in the dark with 0 communication. I just want to play my favorite game again …. 😭

Maybe that is the big plan behind Nvidia's stock issues -> knowingly introduce a bug in a potentially 100 mil active player base where ~40% are on PC -> force crashes -> lower prices where Nvidia is much more lucrative than AMD (on a higher end cards) -> sell the stock faster 🙂

Adept I

Since my post in this thread about 2 weeks ago I have drastically improved the issue to the point where I've not crashed in more than a week.

Essentially what I did was uninstall my Radeon drivers using the software DDU (Display Driver uninstaller) with my PC in safe mode. I've then reinstalled the latest drivers BUT i've installed the drivers without the Adrenalin software (Watch this video if you don't know how to do that).

I'm not sure if that means the Adrenalin software is partly responsible for the crashes because it seems obvious the initial cause was an update to the game by Apex not cooperating with GPU drivers which Nvidia seemed to address quickly to some success (and AMD has done nothing), but reinstalling AMD drivers without Adrenalin has worked wonders for me.

That makes sense. It may be something SPECIFICALLY with Radeon and apex. I played warzone for 8 hours yesterday with Radeon installed just fine. It’s definitely something with the game engine and radeon. That being said, this isn’t a long term solution really because then without Radeon you won’t have your custom color, sharpen effects, or any of that. As “buggy” as Radeon is, I like being able to fine tune my games. Never had an issue with Radeon before. 

It's not a long-term solution at all, unfortunately it's the only thing that has managed to work for me after it was suggested by someone on Discord that was having the same issue.

Long-term solution for me will probably be a Nvidia card as I'm looking to upgrade before the new year with the prices of cards coming down atm.


I just tried this method as well. Similar video, but easier for me to understand:

I will let you all know how it goes and I'm totally fine with this long-term because I find Adrenaline and similar software utterly annoying. 


would this still work without using ddu?


I wouldn’t be surprised if the Radeon Adrenaline software was the issue since in the opinion it has a lot of bugs alongside it too. If only AMD did something to fix it as well but I guess not. I’ll probably switch to an nvidia card soon to be honest. 


Was waiting for game to constantly crash before reinstalling drivers and removing Adrenaline software - yesterday again magically was the day where I played almost all day and had 0 crashes while actually encountering teammates on AMD hardware that did crash during the game (this dude was on 6900XT - ouch).

So weird experience continues - one day you crash one you don't. Or maybe it is legend related as I did stick to Meggie yesterday all day and did not play any other legend while previous crashes happened on Vantage more often than not. Maybe new aim assist HUD is to blame here... we can only guess.

Going into another gaming session, will keep all posted.


2nd day in a row without crashes?! wow... interesting how did that happen 😄


let me know if anyone else decides to try this  as well and post your results here. We are looking for multiple days with 8+ hour sessions with no dxgi errors at all


had 2 crashes within 3 hrs after installing the driver without Adrenaline , still no fix


@isaac92 wrote:

had 2 crashes within 3 hrs after installing the driver without Adrenaline , still no fix

Unlucky I guess, you're most likely sh*t out of luck. Small sample but it worked for me and another person I know on Discord (he told me about it in the first place).

It's not a very good solution anyway to be honest and I'm probably gonna just play different games until I get my new 3070 ti because my card without Adrenalin software is losing a decent amount of performance in game and I'm getting stutters when dropping from the ship.

So far, I've had pretty interesting results from using the drivers without Adrenaline. There have been several times over the course of 5 hours playing Apex where the game paused - and before, definitely would have crashed - but it recovered. I had one crash in that time. To be honest, I've had similar Apex crashes ever since first playing the game in 2020. 

AMD card are clearly not great for Apex, so you get the best result you can. Drivers minus Adrenaline seems like a fine solution until, hopefully, AMD and Respawn work on a stable solution. 

In the meantime, I'm shopping 3070 / 3080 alternatives because this is silly. 


didn't think this would fix it eirher, sadly. Just continue keeping this forum updated so hopefully someone sees it at AMD

Adept II

im thinking its something about the game itselft
some days not a single crash
some days crash everytime like yesterday have like 9 crash
Its weird
Respawn dont investigate that issue in his trello board 
they are just ignoring us

im tired and the worst part this issue soon or later will break our windows system

Yeah it seems to happen to me around the 1-3 hour mark whenever I play but yeah it can be a inconsistent crash sometimes. Respawn hasn't acknowledged besides with NVIDIA users who funny enough didn't even receive that much, the majority has been AMD so I just find it sloppy and stupid from them. One day I can hope they will finally touch base with it to fix it!!! 



man, this is depressing....I miss apex dearly and want to play...PLEASE FIX IT AMD :((((((((((((((((((

Like they don’t realize how many people they are ROBBING of their favorite pastime. It’s disgraceful we’ve waited over a month and have heard NOTHING from anybody. I’m beginning to get impatient. It’s seriously unprofessional. Nothing has been added to the apex trello board. Nothing from EA or Respawn or even AMD. Pathetic to say the least. I’m fed up and I’m sure I speak for all of us. (Rant)

can you try this ?

Adept II


Today one person on AMD from Apex said that there is another possible fix:

  • start -> turn windows features on and off
  • locate "folder" with name "Legacy Components"
  • tick folder
  • expand and tick direct play

Did it today, played for like 3h, no crashes so far.

Also somehow the same person says that 5700xt can push 170+ stable FPS and the only difference from my setup to his is AMD 5series CPU vs mine 3series despite the fact that in Radeon in game overlay Apex uses 99% of my GPU most of the time and barely 50% of CPU at any given time... Apex is just AMD's kryptonite

Adept II

Now i can confirm is something related to the game.
Try everthing and no soluttion yet.

Today one person on AMD from Apex said that there is another possible fix:

  • start -> turn windows features on and off
  • locate "folder" with name "Legacy Components"
  • tick folder
  • expand and tick direct play

    Try that and have 1 hour of game until it crash again......

its random....somedays 0 crash

Some days 6 crash in a day