I have been discussion about this in Ubisoft forum an run a case with them. Ubisoft state the problem lies with AMD driver.
Link to Ubisoft forum: https://discussions.ubisoft.com/topic/163483/watch-dogs-2-crash
Let me describe the issue
I'm having recurring crash to desktop after a few seconds of gameplay on Watch Dogs 2
Audio stalls and then game crashes
I have tried with minimum graphics settings, different refresh rates, scaling, disabling overlay and fiddled with all the settings the game offers.Nothing helps.
Up-to-date AMD graphics driver (22.7.1) on RX6750XT (also have tried and validated the issue with 22.5 and 22.6 versions)
Up-to-date DirectX, windows updates, etc.
After a few seconds of gameplay, using RX6750XT on current 22.7.1 drivers, my games crashes to desktop.
I have a spare GTX1060 6GB. I tried that one and the game was stable for 30 minutes. I stopped the test there.
There are several people on the same situation. Game crashes on RX6000 hardware and works fine with nvidia solutions.
Already sent crash reports via AMD Adrenalin but haven heard back from any of the reports.
I had lots of crashes until I enabled fullscreen borderless.
BUT that being said it only crashed during gameplay. I am using the latest drivers right now for the 7900xt and I am able to play. Full screen borderless was not in his recommendations. But i did all the rest of it too.
If anyone else keeps having their game crashed after following the above said, consider setting the game to fullscreen borderless, as it fixed the game for me, although everything else improved the duration of lasting before crashing. But combining this setting as well, it was the key to stop it from crashing.
GPU: Amd obviously, 6600 XT
If your monitor supports a higher resolution than that you'd like to play on for performance reasons, you can go in settings, display and set your monitor's resolution to your preferences. That way the game will lock its resolution there.
I just finished Watchdogs 2! It was a fun game.
@4k it looked good. You can kindof tell that the reflections are out of date but the rest held up okay.
I mostly played at 60 FPS with vsync.... in open world it would dip below vsync and be choppy.
But the missions were smooth.
Sounds nice.....im still experiencing this problem, i lowered everything and also did all of those things that was said aside from those AMD things. Im an nvidia user, not an AMD user, i guess i wont finish this **bleep** game. Im forever stuck in the cyberdriver mission.
For me tho, i could play 6+ hours AS LONG as i stay away from LOMBARD STREET. everytime i go in its perimeter or radius, my game crashes to desktop. It doesnt make sense to me why it happens. I could go anywhere else in the map without crashing as long as i stay away from LOMBARD STREET. I know its lombard street cause its one of the streets you go through when playing through cyberdriver.
After the crash.....i went to the place again, and just 3 steps in, my game crash. I started to ignore this street to see if i would crash or not, but to my surprise, it didnt crash.
For some reason.....i have problems with LOMBARD STREET specifically. I even posted it im my youtube channel. Here's my documentation ( https://youtu.be/y-Hu1GpX2Lo?si=FFUqiYwxJB5_Mzpq ), its short but thats my explanation. IF it was my system, i shouldnt have been able to play it for atleast 6+ hrs bro, it doesnt make sense to me.
Thats all. Good to hear you have found a solution to your problem bro. Im not even expecting to have this game fixed anymore, ive spent a month trying to figure out how to fix this, to no avail, no success.
@zevnor1 wrote:Sounds nice.....im still experiencing this problem..
..trying to figure out how to fix this, to no avail, no success.
Verify your game files and if the problem persists a clean redownload of the game might fix your issue. Otherwise idk
The only fix for me was to disable Smart Access Memory in the Adrenaline software. that fixed crashing.
But yours is really specific to one area which I never had. I just had random crashing.
Fun fact I had suggested that above