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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Videos appearing darker than what I see when I play


I've been using ReLive without any problems for at least a month and then about 2 days ago my videos suddenly started appearing very dark. I'm not sure why or how it changed as there are clips I've taken(while gaming) just a few hours apart where one is normal and the next is dark. 

So basically the video seems to be adding some sort of filter thereby making it darker than the actual colors in game(screenshots/video can be provided if needed ofc!). 

Any ideas what might be causing this and/or what settings I need to change? Been googling around the last few days and checked a bunch of different recording setting, color adjustments etc..


22 Replies

Go to settings -> Display

Check if Custom Color is on.


Custom color was not on. I did however turn off 'record desktop' and now the videos seems to be normal again, even though the videos were of in-game and not desktop 😄

Please mark your last response as the correct answer. 

If you are ok with AMD data trawl of your PC please report it as a bug using the built in AMD Bug Reporting tool. 



Also check settings -> Video.

Journeyman III

I know this is an older post, but I ran into the same issue and it was becuase I had turned on HDR.  Currently AMD does not have HDR support for saved clips. 

Journeyman III

Thanks so much for this topic and the solution.

Inactive HDR for the display, and the recordings is as bright as you see ingame.

What was the solution? I also have this issue and am using HDR


This was the answer for me

Journeyman III

i had HDR on for quiet sometime and it was working fine with all games and recordings! till someday mostly with updating the driver i started noticing that my recordings are darker for some odd reason 
however the 30 sec recording didn't work for me as well 
i tried reinstalling and HDR but nathin seems to work 

i really hope AMD can fix this and make recording videos in HDR possible ASAP caus i'm really enjoying playing on HDR

I also have this issue, did you find a fix for it?

Adept II

I have the opposite issue. My videos are really bright. I also have HDR on. In game it doesn't look overbright as the video when I play it back. What's the deal AMD?


I have the opposite issue. My videos are really bright. I also have HDR on. In game it doesn't look overbright as the video when I play it back. What's the deal AMD?


Here's a video to illustrate. (ignore the over bright). Having HDR on records it like this.


For everyone who comes later with issue when recorded with ReLive videos are darker than original.

1) AMD Encoder does not support native HDR recording. (you can transcode videos with HDR metadata, but not capture HDR colorspaced screen)

2) You can get same issue on Windows 11 (at least... W10 should not have such problem in theory) even when you don't use HDR display. And this particular issue is caused by Windows 11 new addition. Go to "Parameters" -> "Display" -> "Extended display parameters"... Toggle you want is "Automatic color management for your applications". Disable it. Now you recordings should be fine and bright again. 

Thanks a lot, that was the only solution for me. 

i have the same issue... where is this "parameters". 


 Go to "Parameters" -> "Display" -> "Extended display parameters"... Toggle you want is "Automatic color management for your applications". 


could you please explain how i can acess this?

Settings-> Display -> Advanced Display -> Automatically manage color for apps


fyi I was having the same issue and this fixed it.

Journeyman III

The only solution that worked for me, was if you go to settings > display >advanced display settings.  There's a setting at the very bottom that says ((Automatically manage color for apps)). Make sure you switch that off, and it will fix the low brightness instant replay recordings. For some reason it was switched on maybe with the latest windows 11 update. Btw I'm doing this on windows 11, so I'm not sure about windows 10.


This worked!! thanks

Journeyman III

This is such a weird issue. 


You can see how dark it looks in the screen shot in the video and as soon as you turn it off it fixes itself. How's that even possible lol



I found out what is causing very dark recorded videos for me.

It was windows 11 ACM (Auto color management for applications)

if turned on all recording became super dark!

Setting used to be under advanced graphic in windows but now its suppose to move to ICC but i still cant find it anywhere.

So i resorted to Registry edit.



There your monitors will be listed and under last one it will have:

AutoColorManagementEnabled = 1

Change to 0

No more super dark recordings.

Desktop color doesnt seem to be affected at all for me.


Before and after change. Screenshot of recorded video.

Journeyman III

Here is the Fix for windows 11

Turn off the highlight setting to set everything up






Depends on monitor. My old BenQ didnt have that in color profile. New LG 34" UWQHD does have.

Journeyman III

Display settings.png

Here was the setting I had to disable.


Windows settings > System > Display > Color management > uncheck "Automatically manage color for apps"