I'll try that. I have already tried putting the fans to maximum, with no significant change other than my pc crashing a bit later than last time (i guess). I checked if the fans where functionning, gladly they were (it could have not been the case). What is this Power slider ? Are you talking about the acoustic limit ?
I do have my GPU settings set in a different way, i'll try turning them back to normal.
When the video stops functionning, i have to press the power button to forcefully turn it off (i hate it), but now that i check a bit more i'll use the reset button, it's probably safer. I'll edit if there is any significant change to my problem after changer the GPUY settings.
Thanks for the advices!
EDIT: the problem is still here, but it seems my pc was able to handle the game for longer, like 19minutes I believe, by only turning of the advanced GPU settings. But the problem is still here.