I recently updated my motherboard, RAM and processor but I can't manage to play any video games at all with my Radeon 7950 HD. I have all kinds of issues. Mostly total crashes, glitches and error messages.
I tried different solutions. The GPU is clean and in good condition. I don't know what to do and I wanted to try to get some help before I change it to another brand because I'm really sick of not being able to use my hardware for the intention I bought it for
Intel Core i3 8100 CPU 3.60 GHZ.
Radeon 7950 HD
Windows 10 Pro
I'm using Radeon Driver version 17.1.1, but I tried many different versions and I still had issues with games like GTA V, Overwatch, CS:GO, Fortnite.
I hope someone can help me, I'd really apreciate it!