I have purchased a laptop with ryzen5 2500u. The radeon Vega-8 is better than the GPU in i5, but couldn't find tensorflow support in ROCm. Please tell me where I can find tensorflow support for Vega-8 GPU in Ubuntu environment.
1. The latest Tensorflow has GPU support only for NVIDIA https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu . Radeon open compute (ROCm) provides alternative https://gpuopen.com/rocm-tensorflow-1-8-release/ but my GPU (Vega 😎 is not in their list https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/ROCm#supported-gpus.
2. Dell inspiron 5575
3. I haven’t installed ROCm as I could not find the suitable version for this GPU. Its current version is 1.9.1
Current CPUs which support PCIe Gen3 + PCIe Atomics are:
Question is about using GPU from 2500U, not CPU
P.s. and I'm also interested in an answer. Thanks
Ryzen 2500U is an APU:
Current CPUs which support PCIe Gen3 + PCIe Atomics are:
APU is combination of CPU + GPU
I am asking about GPU part from APU
I believe I sent you the link already:
Because the ROCm Platform has a focus on particular computational domains, we offer official support for a selection of AMD GPUs that are designed to offer good performance and price in these domains.
ROCm officially supports AMD GPUs that have use following chips:
ROCm is a collection of software ranging from drivers and runtimnes to libraries and developer tools. Some of this software may work with more GPUs than the “officially supported” list above, though AMD does not make any official claims of support for these devices on the ROCm software platform. The following list of GPUs are likely to work within ROCm, though full support is not guaranteed:
As described in the next section, GFX8 GPUs require PCIe gen 3 with support for PCIe atomics. This requires both CPU and motherboard support. GFX9 GPUs, by default, also require PCIe gen 3 with support for PCIe atomics, but they can operate in most cases without this capability.
At this time, the integrated GPUs in AMD APUs are not officially supported targets for ROCm.
For a more detailed list of hardware support, please see the following documentation.