Hope you are all doing well. I am having a major issue in CSGO with my new Sapphire 7900xt. CSGO is the only game I've noticed an issue with so far, but it makes it unplayable. In fullscreen, the image flickers every couple seconds for a couple hundred ms if I had to guess. I have tried to resolve it by putting it in Borderless windowed, and it solves the flickers, however the render time stutters and is all over the place, making the game very choppy. I've tried a multitude of things to no avail.
i5 13600k
Aorus 690i Ultra Lite DDR5
32gb 5600mhz corsair ram
Sapphire 7900xt
850w PSU
Monitor: BENQ xl2540 240hz display.
Try turning off Freesync if you have it enabled.
Found my problem. I disabled all overlays, and Blitz.gg apparently has an overlay for CSGO that bugged it out.
Good to hear. If you have any more issues let us know.
Is there a way to make this thread unsolved? I don't know what happened but it was fine for the night, and is doing the same thing the next day. New driver didn't help the issue.