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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Screen flicker after R9 270 overclock / downclock

Hello everyone, few weeks ago, I was able to overclock my GPU with no issues at all. Then I was asked to download new AMD software Adrenaline (currently sitting at version 18.9.3 but tried many other versions). Now, when I try to overclock (even slightly by 5MHz either core or memory), screen sometimes "jumps". Weird thing is, that this issue only happends when I'm browsing internet or when on desktop screen. I tried few benchmarks (even with full GPU overclock, because I'm like 1000% sure it can handle it with okay temps and stuff) and the "screen jump" didn't happen. Is there a way to fix it? (please, try to talk to me like I'm stupid, my english is pretty garbage :C)

Thanks everyone!

8 Replies
Journeyman III

Sounds like some weird kind of driver instability. I once had something similar when my OC'd 4790k got unstable after a Windows update, I still don't understand how that makes any sense.

Maybe have a look at the low power states of the GPU. When under light load, it downclocks and lowers the voltage to save power. Maybe somehow the low voltages are not enough anymore? Try raising the voltage on low power states, that would be my first guess.

Otherwise it might be a weird bug in the drivers. When installing different driver versions, did you uninstall the old ones using DDU? Not uninstalling them properly can also cause all kinds of issues.


I tried power management and it didnt change anything. Also tried pure

uninstall and intall of drivers, that didnt change a thing either. Weird

really is that OC / downclocking the card even by 5MHz causes this so I dont

feel like it is caused by the card itself.. :/


Also where exactly and howthe approx. can you change voltages? Currently

using radeon software but there is only power % increase.


You should be able to adjust the voltage right under the Frequency slide in Wattman. It should be called Voltage Control (mV) and you need to set it to manual to input new values: you can see it in this picture. But I kinda doubt it is the issue when it also happens with underclocking...

You should definitely try to completely remove the drivers with the DDU utility ​and then install new ones. As far as I know DDU actually removes every last trace of the driver while normal uninstalling can still leave some things behind that later can cause issues.


The thing is, I dont even have that voltage option in my software (seems

like we have the same), only power %


Okay, just tried DDU two times and still no help :C Can't overclock even by 5MHz.. feels so weird.. Btw. the voltage control is not in mine Radeon Adrenalin (18.10.2) software (freshly installed)

Journeyman III

So far I've done those things and none of them helped

1. Reinstalled all drivers (clean instalation, done two times)

2. Tried different OC softwares

3. R9 270's voltage CAN'T be changed which means I can't play with that (although it seems that would fix my problem because @VDDC > 1, screen is stable

Still even OC / DC is making screen flicker, don't really know what to do next.. Again tried benchmarks with full overclock and everything went just fine.. Only having issues in that low-power state I guess, which there is apparently no way of me playing with that....


Well, I don't know what to do either. I just suggest you run the card completely stock and hope for a driver update that will fix it in the future.