I bought a brand new rx 570 about a year ago. I have fan problem from that day until now. Fan is spinning randomly. Sometimes starts to spin with the turning on the pc and spins crazy like I am playing gpu demanding game but actually I just surf on the Internet this is very annoying when you want to read an article or focusing on sth. On the other hand if I want to play Pubg or Red Dead Redemption 2 it suddenly stops spinning and gpu temperature increases rapidly 80-90 degress celcius so I have to quit. As I said this whole process is random I have no control over it even with softwares like global wattman or sapphire trixx. Sometimes I can control manually with Sapphire Trixx but I don't know how
. I haven't been playing games for a while so I haven't experienced any problem with games. Aforementioned even without any load on it I mean at idle it spins crazy sometimes this causes noise obviously. So this gpu is a pain whether I play games or not. I updated drivers, even try bios update and upgraded win 7 to win 10 nothing changes. Do you guys have any solution for this ?