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PC Graphics

Adept II

Sapphire pulse RX 6600 XT black screen driver instalation

Hi guys, looks like too many people is having issues with this type of graphic card, i bought mine last friday and i was excited, well installed the proper drivers and utility´s and everything ok, i played games aswell, but sudently every time i turn off or restart my PC i get an bug error from AMD software saying the video driver had a problem and it started graphic to run in safe mode, well i tried so many things, reinstalling using proper progrmas to do so an then every time i try to reinstall the drivers i get black screen forever  the PC still runs normally but no image even if i reboot pc the same thing happen over and over again,so i cleaned registry even format my whole PC and guess  what ? the same thing happened after installed the drivers again, latest version 28.1 the only one availabe actually, and now i can't use RX 6600 xt anymore like the first time, il do a refund but i hope AMD fix this asap for every1.

if some1 had some solution for it tell me plz

my specs are:

ASUS prime Z370-P

intel I7-8700 (8GEN)

16GB ram DDR (2400Mhz)

Corsair PSU 650W

333 Replies
Adept II

dont refund the card men , the graphic card work well i have the same bug and we have to wait new driver men

it's a pitty men i know, i'm at the middle of this war of cryptocurrency to get a nice GPU for my games, and past almost a year i got this one with a "fair" price, but unlucky i get this version of 6000 series and can't still play. for how long they will fix it ? and even if they launch a driver we still have the chance to be unlucky again and dows not work again


  • Yes really true the same but we dont have another choice the card work well

Try to udpate chipset and Bios its work for md


That was the first thing  I did and didn't worked, maybe my graphic card is really damaged


Make sure your Windows installation is up to date. Access this link and press Update Now. Download the updater and follow the recommended steps.
Once updated, follow the steps given in this Microsoft article to scan and restore any corrupted or conflicting files on the system.
Perform a clean boot of Windows by following the steps in this guide to rule out any programs affecting your system settings.

Download, without installing yet, the latest drivers for your graphics card, version Adrenalin 21.8.1. Save the installation file to your PC.
Download the AMD Cleanup Utility app and run it in Safe Mode (Recommended). Follow the steps to perform a driver cleanup and a system restart.
After rebooting the system, install the previously downloaded drivers.

Try that 


Btw the link about update, where is it? On that description u gave me? I did a fresh install of my win 10 64bit, and tried the ddu thing and after that reinstall everything, it's always the same prob


I`` have a Powercolor Fighter 6600 XT and the same issue.

With the new driver 21.8.2 nothing changed, my card is not working.

Same Problem here with Sapphire Nitro+ Radeon RX 6600 XT, cant do nothing, i dont understand why it needs so long to bring a better driver.


Btw the link about update, where is it? On that description u gave me? I did a fresh install of my win 10 64bit, and tried the ddu thing and after that  bpm counter   reinstall everything, it's always the same prob

Same thing here, for sure is the graphic card broken, I already asked for RMA, let s see if the new one won't come with the same problem 


So many broken cards?

Adept II

Exact same issue with Sapphire Nitro+ RX 6600 XT here.

I'm returning mine and hopefully can get another from a different maker, like MSI or Asus.



A new version of Radeon Software was released today (

They didn't mention this issue on the patch notes but can someone try it and see if the problem is solved?


@Second Edit:

I was able to try the new driver and yep, the problem still persists after restarting the PC...


i won't lost anymore time with trying solution, they have to give me a new one, and if the problem still presist i will refund, no sense on this days to have bugs like this, u pay u have to be happy


The problen is gonna be the non stock be carefull


i know, but i asked for replace for now, even  if it happen the non stock, it makes any sense keeping a damaged graphic card ?


U can try to wait to fix or new updated and if doesnt work try to RMA


the problem is for RMA i just have 30 days, atm il just have like 18 days left, after that i just can send to the warranty, we are talking about 450+ euros , i don't think is it fair to costumers w8 for such a long time with those kind of values on graphics cards.


i understand ur point of view, but u have to understand the people who are having this kind of struggle to ahve a decent gaming quality


well looks like my graphic card came back to life after a few hours of reaserch, try this,

1: clean install win10 and after that run windows updater and scan for all updates has possible, dont let any update behind

2:make sure u clean everything about monitor driver, programs DDU and Radeon utility unistaller

3: go search for ur drivers Motherboard on the specific brand and update the lastest versions of bios and Chipset aswell

4: install the lastest version of radeon adrenalin (full instalation)


If u have luck that will work has worked for me at last

Did you try to turn your computer off (completely) and on again to see if it's actually working?


yes i did, i even switched off the button from the PSU for about 1 min for full discharge from the board, ran a stress full test aswell and temperature was at max 80º degrees not more than for 75 secs, and ran GTA 5 with full settings for about 30 min and still everything ok, let's see on the next days


U got a fix? 


y i got, but looks like i have bug again today when i start windows


Bug again ... i send the Sapphire-card RMA now, i think its Hardware- or Softwareproblem. This problem must be setup to known issues, I dont understand amd, doing nothing and telling me its an io-conflict, systembug or anything else, but not the driver or worser the hardware.



Yep same for me, I fixed yesterday, but today I turned on pc before go to work just to make sure that everything was OK, and I got the same problem from the beginning, the graphic card run in safe mode and it's look like u don't have any graphics card installed, u can't run amd software and u cant even change the resolution of ur monitor. I proceed to the RMA aswell, they will pick up today morning. Let's see what can happen, in last case if no resolution for this case I will for a refund and buy Nvidia.. For my whole life the ones that gave me problems was always the AMD cards. I had bad experience in the past and I gave a chance to them again but looks like the sames issues still persist for. Years. 


Thats typical, it runs one time, and if the pc is longer off, the bug-rotation begins... known issues @raghu_nambiar !

Well I don't care anymore, let's proceed to RMA and see what can happen 


My friend had silimar symptom but he unchecked "Turn on fast startup". It works fine so far. Maybe you can try it.



Ho well, now I can't try, it's already on RMA


This fixed it for me. Thank you 


I'm no luck with turn on fast startup thing, I still got a blackscreen, maybe another solution?


You need it disabled not turned on 


yeah i just disabled it and still got a blackscreen on first time i boot, if I hard reset everything go back to normal again


Did you run the card 'Factory Reset' option that you'll find inside the AMD software 'System' menu?


I did use the factory reset option.

Weirdly, the driver installation wouldn't resume itself automatically after the required reboot.

But anyway, I even tried using AMD Clean up Utility and got no positive results.


I put the MSI version in my PC last week, and it has been troublesome driver (occasional flashing screen or program boxes)  😕  I guess we just wait for a driver that works better.


I sent mine to RMA and I'm getting a new one (same model).

When it arrives, I hope everything works fine asap, otherwise I will have 7 days to cancel the purchase and request a refund.

I'll post here if the new GPU have the same issue or not.


Nope I didn't go for factory reset yet, what I doing now is update my motherboard driver and BIOS and still no luck. I did use AMD Cleanup utility and same results, get blackscreen everytime I shutdown my PC and turn in on again, I hope in the next patch AMD wil fix this driver.


same problem with sapphire 6600xt pulse gaming oc

Reinstall windows 10 - black screen after driver install. Last bios on motherboard

First boot - black screen, turn off, and second boot all ok. 

Its not windows 10 problems, i think problem in video driver