I have a Gigabyte RX 6800 OC and have flickering mostly with a smaller window over another window. For Epic Game being minimized over chrome caused flickering. I have also experienced a couple of grey screens and have not owned it over 3 days. I got it for a steal, open box for 375 on ebay and looked brand new. Its such an incredibly beautiful monitor, but these issues are extremely frustrating. I didn't pay 799 which is the retail cost, but purchasing a monitor that pricy should not have these issues. I can certainly look past it and hope they fix it, but if I would have know I may not have purchased this monitor. I did a lot of research on reviews but did not hear much about the flickering or grey screen of death issues. I have a RTX 3060 and I am tempted to try it with the monitor, but heard Nvidia is pretty rough as well.