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No as I myself have an RX 580 and know that it works fine with the latest Windows 10 64 bit 1803 and was fine with 1709 before that as well. You likely are suffering from the most common issue and this is not a default setting. Mine will also suffer from the issues you describe if you don't change these settings. First make sure your Windows power profile is set to high performance not balanced. Next go to Radeon Settings/Gaming/Global Settings/Global Wattman and find the "Power Limit" slider and slide it to its maximum, all the way to the right. Likely this will be +50. This usually will take care of the issues you have. If it does not I suggest running DDU from safe mode then reinstalling the latest driver again and setting the power limit slider back to its max. You will have to set this back to its max after every driver upgrade or if the driver crashes as it returns settings to default. Good Luck!