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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

rx480 artifact when install driver

i have an asus strix rx480 8gb model , work perfectly in back months , but yesterday when i playing overwatch in tomorrow , appear lines and weird things , i restarted pc and now the desktop showed with little green and blank dots and when i open a web browser show me distorsioned characters lines and more , but in bios show the image fresh with no problems , but when start windows showed that things i described , my rx480 when not run with amd adrenaline runs perfectly , but when i install another version of adrenaline or the last coming with the problem, if there a fix ? , i purchase this card in may and works good all the time but yesterday comes that little artifact , even i update the vbios for the card latest 2017 rom version and not working , showing the image same thing dots and lines

my pc :

i5 8600k

crucial ballistix 8gb ddr4 2666 

asrock z370 extreme4

evga 850w bronze

6 Replies

Possibly the GPU card is either overheating or is going bad or is Overclocked.  True sometimes drivers may cause artifacts but since it is occurring even while on the desktop or all the time it may not be the driver.

Stress test your GPU card and see what happens. If it passes or fails. You can check temperatures and voltages, etc while the test is running.

Is this, by an chance, bought second hand or used?


this model have little oc factory but i never got a problem , good temps , never passed from 70* , i buy this card ftom guy as used in may of this year, is there a fix ? , is good idea a little reballing to vram ?


I have no idea on how to repair GPU cards. Some Users have "Baked" the card according to the Internet. But some professionals techs don't agree with the method.

Try stress testing and see what happens.

Otherwise, contact the person you bought it from and see what he recommends.


I have lots of experience with repairing video cards

the fuzzy donut can find a sick card fast


What is the "fuzzy Donut"?

Would "Baking" the GPU card help in this case even though colesdav doesn't recommend this type of repairs?

The the "fuzzy Donut" = FurMark > Home 

Dont bake the card in an oven and definitely do not use an oven that you use for cooking food.
There are very dangerous chemicals used on printed circuit boards that will contaminate an oven.

I have fixed a number of GPUs using a home made DIY method described here:

However I recommend using a proper reflow station - best place to try is ask a local University or Technical College if they will use your GPU to test their reflow station for a small fee.

Good Luck.