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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

RX 6700 XT Green screen crashes when playing KCD2


Currently having issues with the pc crashing with a green screen without written errors while playing Kingdom come deliverance 2.


To be clear, I only have issues with this game and not with others, even heavy ones like star citizen.


My pc:

Rx 6700 XT

i5 10400

16 gb ram

600w psu

MSI H410M pro motherboard


The game actually runs very smoothly even at high and ultra settings, I have lowered the settings to no avail, it still crashes even if I get very good fps.


The gpu temperature is almost always under 70° c, the overlays do not tell me the cpu temps but I have noticed it usually uses more that 85/90 % cpu(same usage for the gpu).


I have seen videos online with the same gpu and videos with the same cpu and they did not seem to have issues, though in the videos the cpu usually has lower %.


So far I have reinstalled drivers, tried different driver versions, checked file integrity and cancelled shader cache as suggested by others but still no permanent fix.


Sometimes I can play for hours without crashing, sometimes for less than 30 minutes. My gpu is completely stock, never overclocked or underclocked.


Anyone have had similar issues?

3 Replies

6700XT here as well and I recently played through KCD2 - didn't have issues like that in my 100 or so hours of playing so it seems like that might be a more individual issue on your side.

Have you tried experimenting with different modes like fullscreen, windowed or borderless? Also, what OS are you on - windows 10 or 11?

I have windows 10 and have not modified the modes, i think full screen is the default one.


What cpu, ram, etc do you have?


I have Ryzen 7 3700X and 32GB RAM.

Actually, I just looked at system requirements and they recommend 32GB RAM but you said you only have 16. Which means, you might be running out of memory so you'll have to reduce settings that are RAM intensive to lower values. The first KCD game had some memory leak issues and since this one is in the same engine it could be that it's an issue here aswell, which would make the low RAM amount much worse.