-Issue Description my card is sapphire rx 580 nitro+ 4GB. i was wondered why my GPU usage ( in the afterburner), memory clock(afterburner & sapphire trixx) and framebuffer(afterburner) always got massive fluctuation. the GPU usage in a high fluctuation or more like a spike, the memory clock is in constant fuctuation from 300 to 1000 all the time and the framebuffer is in random high fluctuation, but the framebuffer always got spike when im using my wallpaper engine/ playing video etc when in idle the framebuffer is in 0. the task manager's gpu usage is always get in to the 100% and get back to the normal when i'm trying to open or close an application but there is no such spike in the afterburner. i've tring to enable unified GPU usage monitoring and yes it is solve the gpu usage in the afterburner yet it is still diffrent from the usage in the task manager. oh ye.. there is another thing i want to ask, why when i'm enabling desktop capture in radeon Relive it took about 75% of the GPU usage in the task manager? it's not even capturing, just enabling.
Amd ryzen 5 1400
Msi B450 tomahawk max
sapphire rx 580 nitro+ 4GB
adata sx8200 nvme
1tb hdd
klev bolt x 16gb 3200
win 10 pro 64bit
gpu software:
Radeon Settings Version - 2019.1112.1905.34363
View Release Notes - https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-19-11-2
Driver Packaging Version -
Provider - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
2D Driver Version -
Direct3D® Version -
OpenGL® Version - 26.20.11000.13572
AMD Audio Driver Version -
Vulkan™ Driver Version - 2.0.116
Vulkan™ API Version - 1.1.125
BIOS Version -
BIOS Part Number - 113-1E3660EU-O55
BIOS Date - 2017/03/23 23:48