Problem ze sterownikami 19.10.1
Po zainstalowaniu nie można oglądać żadnych plików Video .
Wyskakuje błąd directX
Jak miałeś wcześniej zainstalowane sterowniki to odinstaluj najpierw po przez aplikację DDU i dopiero zainstaluj najnowsze sterowniki.
I jak tworzysz nowy temat to podaj specyfikację swojego komputera i jaki BIOS masz zainstalowany
Witam, reinstalowałem sterowniki, odinstalowywałem ddu i ponownie instalowałem,
na sterownikach 19.9.2 oglądanie filmów działa.
Karta grafiki Asus Radeon RX 5700 XT ROG OC
P.G. Gigabyte G1.Sniper Z97 bios F6
CPU I7 4790K @4Ghz
32GB RAM DDR3 1600
Jaki monitor?i na ile Hz jest ustawiony?ja z rx5700xt miałem różne żeczy i po kupnie nowego monitora jak na razie wszystko ok, być może wiąże się z odświeżaniem monitora
This is a user to user English language only Support Forum.
not everyone can write in english, so they write in their native language
Then find a Polish forum.
if you do not like the Polish language, move to another forum, the matter is not about you and if you do not help, please do not meddle in your affairs
There is nothing wrong with any language,however this is a "english only" forum as per the forum rules.
and now I treat your statements as racist and please do not write any more because I am forced to submit your statements as discriminatory and racist because AMD is a global company selling its products practically all over the world and write to customers who write about problems, it is not proper to force them to use English language
Whatever ,I guess you are unable to just follow forum rules.
I think you have a problem with yourself and you have nothing to do
See,Now your English is pretty good!
English is not the only language in the world, start learning another one, maybe then you'll be a better person, jeśli ja mogę pisać w języku angielskim to ty również możesz nauczyć się języka polskiego.
Dude... read your own comment. Polish isn't the only langauge in the world, you're clearly capable of writing in a more universal language which would allow many people from around the world to help you...... so what's the problem.
Hello, So far I have not got any blue screen or black screen. I didn't update windows after installation, the only installations of windows updates i'll leave in printscreen. I didn't use 2 monitors again, I'm only using 1 since I formatted the computer.
There is no way to know why I didn't get blue or black screens anymore. It may be due to not updating windows or just using 1 monitor. I also disabled windows quick launch.
Próbowałem już wszystkich sposobów, chyba poczekam na nowe sterowniki.
Dzięki za podpowiedzi.