hi i have a new problem with rx 570. My pc and the attached one I have a nvidia 8800 and after several advice
with the ddu toll in temporary mode I deleted the Nvidia drivers, rebooted the pc and uninstalled the nvidia8800. Off pc and put the rx 570 attached 8 pin connector and booted pc:
pc start up cpu fans, case and vga turn, ignition led on BUT DON'T LOAD THE SCREEN MOTHER SCREEN, AND THEN WIN 7 the screen is black
connection case dvi WHAT IS WRONG OR NOT?
repeated operation ddu etc remittance rx570 equal black screen thank 10000
Possibly might be that the 8800 has legacy vbios, but the rx570 has uefi vbios.
Check your motherboard bios settings to change running the new card in uefi.
It may be that your motherboard needs a bios update, you should ask Intel support/forum for information/help on if/how to get the card running.
I do not know if your card model has a vbios switch, ask MSI.