At first we had loads of issues with loads of BSODs with varying messages including, but not limited to driver_irql_not_less_or_equal and system_service_exception. After this first stretch of issues, I tried the following:
BIOS update - it was not up-to-date, so I ensured that it was as up-to-date as possible with instructions from MSI's website; BIOS file last updated 7 Feb 2024
system and chipset drivers; last update 6 Mar 2024
on-board audio drivers; last update 29 Jan 2024
LAN drivers, including bluetooth, wifi, ethernet; last update 26 Dec 2023 (BT/WIFI) and 29 Nov 2023 (ethernet)
Ran a Windows memory diagnostic with no issues found
BSODs are certainly happening less often at least, and I do recall one was related to a bedaisy.sys error according to one of the minidumps. His major problem now though, and something that happened beforehand, was/is games crashing to desktop without any error message or warning. He's told me that this is happening with Valorant and Rainbow Six Siege. I have ran out of ideas with my limited knowledge and searching for the issues and still don't really know what the problem is. I haven't had any major issues with my personal setup, so this kind of troubleshooting is new to me.
That TeamGroup Elite is not on the MSI supported memory list. Doesn't mean it won't work but means they haven't tested and validated it at the claimed speed and timings. Have you tried running the memory at default speed instead of XMP/EXPO profile?
I was a little worried about the RAM in this to be honest, but it came pretty highly recommended. I will definitely add it to the list of things to try the next time I am able to get over there though. The biggest problem with this is not being able to immediately try things.